沒什麼單字卻看不太懂文章意思 - 英檢

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-03-10T23:24

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※ 引述《tab193 (admiral)》之銘言:
: 原文如下
: But I dont think that a professor's academic freedom entitles him to,
: for instance, personally insult or belittle students, or even gives him
: unlimited attitude to present material in a way that's needlessly inaccessible
: or alienating to students.
: 單字大致上都沒問題可是翻譯起來好不順
: 麻煩版上眾高手幫幫忙看一下 謝謝

for instance 只是插入句,說明後面是例子
But I dont think that a professor's academic freedom entitles him to
personally insult or belittle students, or even gives him unlimited
attitude to present material in a way that's needlessly inaccessible
or alienating to students.

Tags: 英檢

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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-03-10T11:49
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[資訊] 英文必背字彙002:abdomen字源背法

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-03-10T09:53
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By Annie
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