毛線-誰可以教我看英文編織圖 - 手作
By Quanna
at 2010-12-15T00:54
at 2010-12-15T00:54
Table of Contents
在Lion brand yarn看到一件kimono的織圖
Cast on 38 (41, 43) sts. Work in St st (k on RS, p on WS) for 7 (7 1/2, 8)
in. (18 (19, 20.5) cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Shape Sleeves
Cast on 10 (11, 13) sts at beg of next 2 rows - 58 (63, 69) sts.
Continue in St st until piece measures 11 1/2 (12 1/2, 13 1/2) in. (29 (32,
34.5) cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Shape Neck
Next Row (RS): K22 (23, 26) sts and slip to holder for right front, join 2nd
ball of yarn and bind off next 14 (17, 17) sts for back neck, k to end for
left front.
Left Front
Working on 22 (23, 26) sts of left front only, work 3 more rows in St st.
Next Row (RS): K2, yo, knit to end - 23 (24, 27) sts.
Next Row: Purl to last 2 sts, yo, p2 - 24 (25, 28) sts.
Repeat last 2 rows until there are 48 (52, 56) sts on needle. Sleeve should
measure about 10 (11, 12) in. (26.5 (29, 32) cm) from sleeve cast-on edge,
end with a RS row.
Shape Sleeve
Next Row (WS): Bind off 10 (11, 13) sts, p to end - 38 (41, 43) sts.
Continue even in St st until piece measures 7 (7 1/2, 8) in. (61 (66, 71) cm)
from sleeve bind-off edge, end with a WS row. Bind off all sts.
Right Front
Slip sts for right front from holder back to needle. Beg with a WS row, work
as for left front reversing shaping.
With crochet hook, join yarn with slip st at one side of front neck, at end
of neck shaping. Ch for 10 in. (25.5 cm) for tie, fasten off. Join yarn at
same spot on the Left Front and ch 24 in. (61 cm) for Tie, fasten off.
Fold piece in half at shoulder. Sew side and sleeve seams, leaving a 1/2 in.
(1.5 cm) opening on right side seam 6 (6 1/2, 7) in. (15 (16.5, 18) cm) above
lower edge for tie.
Weave in ends.
Cast on 38 (41, 43) sts. Work in St st (k on RS, p on WS) for 7 (7 1/2, 8)
in. (18 (19, 20.5) cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Shape Sleeves
Cast on 10 (11, 13) sts at beg of next 2 rows - 58 (63, 69) sts.
Continue in St st until piece measures 11 1/2 (12 1/2, 13 1/2) in. (29 (32,
34.5) cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Shape Neck
Next Row (RS): K22 (23, 26) sts and slip to holder for right front, join 2nd
ball of yarn and bind off next 14 (17, 17) sts for back neck, k to end for
left front.
Left Front
Working on 22 (23, 26) sts of left front only, work 3 more rows in St st.
Next Row (RS): K2, yo, knit to end - 23 (24, 27) sts.
Next Row: Purl to last 2 sts, yo, p2 - 24 (25, 28) sts.
Repeat last 2 rows until there are 48 (52, 56) sts on needle. Sleeve should
measure about 10 (11, 12) in. (26.5 (29, 32) cm) from sleeve cast-on edge,
end with a RS row.
Shape Sleeve
Next Row (WS): Bind off 10 (11, 13) sts, p to end - 38 (41, 43) sts.
Continue even in St st until piece measures 7 (7 1/2, 8) in. (61 (66, 71) cm)
from sleeve bind-off edge, end with a WS row. Bind off all sts.
Right Front
Slip sts for right front from holder back to needle. Beg with a WS row, work
as for left front reversing shaping.
With crochet hook, join yarn with slip st at one side of front neck, at end
of neck shaping. Ch for 10 in. (25.5 cm) for tie, fasten off. Join yarn at
same spot on the Left Front and ch 24 in. (61 cm) for Tie, fasten off.
Fold piece in half at shoulder. Sew side and sleeve seams, leaving a 1/2 in.
(1.5 cm) opening on right side seam 6 (6 1/2, 7) in. (15 (16.5, 18) cm) above
lower edge for tie.
Weave in ends.
All Comments
By Rae
at 2010-12-19T18:42
at 2010-12-19T18:42
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