母親節作業~中翻英~20點~急!! - 健康

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2006-05-06T00:00

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給我最敬愛的媽咪 :
For me the most respected mother: thank you to foster me big ~ to
teach my read-write character ~~ because you paid ~ to accomplish
present my ~ my success ~ one half are ~ which heaven decision ~ other
one half was you teaches I really extremely extremely extremely thank
your ~ you are in the world most beautiful greatest Aunt ~ Mother\'s
Day must arrive ~ to wish you Mother\'s Day joyful ~ daily joyful ~
everything satisfactory ~ health ~ forever to be beautiful
Tags: 健康

All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-05-07T18:36
給我最敬愛的媽咪 :
To my dear mum:
Thank you for brought me up~teach me how to read and write~because you devote to me~this made my succeed~half of my succeed is a deal~you have thought me for the other half~I am feel extremely thank you to you~ You are the most beautiful mum in the world~ The mother's day is coming soon~ I will you happy mother's day~Always happy~ Everying goes on well~Health~Always beautiful.
PS. 我直接再幫你翻一次了~希望有幫到你!!!!
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2006-05-06T14:44
To my dearest mommy:
Thanks for raising me up all these years, teaching me how to read and write. I won't be so successful without you. Half of my success comes from god, and the other half comes from you. I am really thankful to have you. You are the most beautiful and the greatest mother in the world. Mother's day is coming soon, I wish you a very happy, healthy, and a highly satisfied mother's day!
2006-05-07 00:48:04 補充:
你這樣翻譯交出去 很有可能會被退回來我幫你寫了比較簡單的 看你ok不ok ^^


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-05-05T00:00
給我最敬愛的媽咪 :
謝謝� ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-05-05T00:00
從冒痘子的位置看健康訊息!你有青春痘的煩惱嗎?如果你已經掌握正確洗臉與保養的方法,也求助過無數的醫師 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2006-05-04T00:00


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-05-04T00:00


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2006-05-04T00:00
請問一下去凡爾賽為鳥看診需要費用嗎~如果純檢查的話~因為聽說不用錢~但去看過之後有收費~還不便宜==~我記得�� ...