模考錯題的檢討方法 - 英檢

By Blanche
at 2016-01-12T11:16
at 2016-01-12T11:16
Table of Contents
Dear TOEFL exam takers,
模考完好像才是認識自已的開始。你有特別推的錯題學習方法嗎? 寫作錯誤的部分,
老師批改後,我用flashcard software (jMemorise)來學習,被修正的句子貼到
front side,正確的用法貼到back side。例如一張卡片跳出來問:
Identify the writing erros in the following sentence:
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulation the toads in Australia.
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulate the toads in Australia.
writing部分我沒什麼問題。但reading, listening及speaking目前還沒發展出錯題的
學習方式。TOP裡能把內容剪貼出來嗎? 聽力檔? thanks for reading this post. looking
forward to your feedback
模考完好像才是認識自已的開始。你有特別推的錯題學習方法嗎? 寫作錯誤的部分,
老師批改後,我用flashcard software (jMemorise)來學習,被修正的句子貼到
front side,正確的用法貼到back side。例如一張卡片跳出來問:
Identify the writing erros in the following sentence:
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulation the toads in Australia.
Third, the reading explains that infecting the toads with disease-causing
virus can effectively depopulate the toads in Australia.
writing部分我沒什麼問題。但reading, listening及speaking目前還沒發展出錯題的
學習方式。TOP裡能把內容剪貼出來嗎? 聽力檔? thanks for reading this post. looking
forward to your feedback
All Comments

By Linda
at 2016-01-14T21:07
at 2016-01-14T21:07
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