查中英節慶的故事 - 過年

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-02-18T00:00

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Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-02-20T13:04
[中秋節]The Moon Festival is on August 15 of the lunar calendar. On that day, there is always a full moon.
 In Chinese custom, a full moon means family reunion. Because of this, the Moon Festival is a time for family reunions.
在中國習俗裏, 滿月代表家族重聚, 因此, 在中秋節大部份人都會回家團圓.
 On this day, many families enjoy watching the full moon. Some families will bake large cakes, called “moon cakes.” Then, each member of the family will eat a piece of the cake to show their unity.
當天, 很多家庭會欣賞滿月, 部份的人會烤大蛋糕-月餅. 然後, 每個家庭成員都會吃片蛋糕以代表他們的團結.
[端午節]Along time ago, A famous and patriotic poet and statesman, Chu Yuan.
很久很久以前, 有一個有名的愛國詩人名屈原活.
The king didn't listen to his advisement. Chu Yuan was very sad. Then, he picked up a big stone and tied it to his chest. Chu Yuan jumped into the river and disappeared.
皇帝不聽他的勸告, 這讓屈原非常傷心, 他抱了一塊大石頭就跳入江中不見了.
 Some people set out in boats to search for Chu Yuan's body. Some people made rice dumplings and threw them into the river. Then, the fish won't eat Chu Yuan's body. It was May 5 of the lunar calendar when Chu Yuan jumped into the river. That is why we eat rice dumplings during Dragon Boat Festival.
有些人划船到江中幫忙尋找他, 有些人做了粽子丟到江中, 希望魚吃粽子不要吃屈原的身體. 這一天是農曆5/5. 也就是端午節吃粽子及划龍舟的由來.
[春節] In a Chinese legend, "Nien" was a terrible beast. It ate not only animals but also people. People felt that they had to do something to stop Nien from eating any more people. They found that Nien was scared of three things-anything colored red, loud noises and fire.
在中國傳說中, "年"是一個可怕且會吃人的野獸, 人們極力要防止他出來吃人, 大家發現年獸怕三件事-紅色, 噪音及火.
 When the next winter came, many people put red couplets on their front doors. People set off firecrackers to make loud noises. People also set bonfires in front of their houses.
所以當下一個冬天來臨時, 人們就在門口放紅色春聯, 放鞭炮製造噪音, 並在門口放火.
 People stayed up all night with their families because they were afraid. The next morning, people discovered that Nien had run away! They congratulated each other by saying "Gon Xi."
因為害怕年獸出現, 大家整晚熬夜沒睡. 隔天清晨, 大家發現年獸跑掉了, 他們高興的互道"恭喜'
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-02-20T20:51
click the link below, you can see the 節慶的故事


John avatar
By John
at 2007-02-18T00:00


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-02-17T00:00
因為過年期間回到老家無聊想用電腦接XBOX360玩但是沒有電視轉接器想知道台北那裡可以買的到正值過年期間所以�� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2007-02-17T00:00
我想知道過年期間大家會想去哪玩?住北部的都會想去哪呢?我想知道大家的想法謝謝!這樣可讓我想到去哪玩會 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-02-17T00:00
最近我不小心踢到門腳害我的腳指甲和肉有分離的現象可是又還沒脫落而且還可以把指甲小小的扳起來因為現在是 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-02-16T00:00
花季和過年要開始了想上陽明山去賞花請提供陽明山可以賞櫻花的地點和路線(當然是人越少越好咯,最好有私房 ...