本週msn討論會的文章 - 自學

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2005-11-25T11:23

Table of Contents

November 17

1972 A wealthy heiress is murdered by her son

Wealthy socialite Barbara Baekeland is stabbed to death with a kitchen knife by
her 25-year-old son, Antony, in her London, England, penthouse. When police
arrived at the scene, Antony was calmly placing a telephone order for Chinese

Socialite: a socially prominent person 社會名流
penthouse: A shed or roof attached to and sloping from a wal or building. 閣樓

Antony's grandfather, Leo Baekeland, acquired his family's fortune with the
creation of Bakelite, an early plastic product. Though financially successful,
the family was far from stable. Leo's son Brooks was a decadent adventurer and
a self-described writer who rarely put pen to paper. Brooks' wife Barbara, a
model and would-be Hollywood starlet, had her own problems: she attempted
suicide several times and was reportedly so deeply distressed by her son
Antony's homosexuality that she attempted to seduce him as a "cure." Though
Antony displayed signs of schizophrenia, his father called psychiatry
"professionally amoral" and refused to pay for treatment.

acquire: to gain or com possess, expecially by one's own work, skill, or
action, often over a long period of time.

adventurer: one who seeks unmerited wealth or position expecially by playing
on the credulity or prejudice of others.

starlet: a young movie actress being coached and publicized for starring roles.

distressed: to cause to worry or be troubled; upset.

schizophrenia: 精神分裂症

Barbara and Antony's tempestuous mother-son relationship worried her friends.
Indeed, Antony's erratic behavior was cause for concern, and over the years the
two had several threatening arguments involving knives.

tempestuous: turbulent; violently agitated.

erratic: (usually derog.) irregular or uneven in movement, quality or behavior.

After the murder, Antony was institutionalized at Broadmoor until a
bureaucratic mistake resulted in his release in July 1980. He then relocated to
New York City, where he lived with his grandmother for a short time until he
beat and stabbed her to death in 1980. Antony was sent to Riker's Island, where
he suffocated himself to death on March 20, 1981.

institutionalize: place someone in an institution.

relocate to: move someone to another place.

suffocate: cause someone to die as a result of not being ablt to breathe.

(亂翻請多包涵= =")


Tags: 自學

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2005-11-28T17:32
什麼時候開始的,我怎麼都不知道 = =
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2005-12-02T09:51
辛苦了 翻的不錯


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2005-11-24T23:36
※ 引述《peter1981 (衝刺)》之銘言: 勸你近五年內不要考教育類的研究所,除非妳想考博士班, 否則在台灣,教育類的研究所的薪資待遇研究所真的不高, 老師也不好考!考慮一下自己準備的所別 如果一定要堅持的話,見妳妳考特教方面的研究所會比較有出路 僅供參考 : 如題 想要靠自己準備研究所的考試 : ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2005-11-24T21:53
請有需要的朋友們至以下網址購買 或來電02-2823-8751 南柯出版社 謝謝您 http://tw.f3.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c20152775?u=%3achristy7324 - ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2005-11-24T11:09
※ 引述《rightmana (Cammeron Frank)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《chiandp1018 (朝夢想飛行)》之銘言: : : hi~maggie 請加入我skype 我們有2人~固定時間學習~想跟你一起學~這樣就3個人了 : : 我skype u-reach : : 怕你找不到我帳號 ...

自學必備工具-心智繪圖(mind map)

William avatar
By William
at 2005-11-24T01:56
我使用心智繪圖來做筆記及幫助思考已經四年有餘 這一個做筆記的方式和達文西做筆記的方式相同雷同 可以刺激人類腦部思考 它的優點如下: 心智繪圖可以把事物做分門別類。分門別類有什麼好處呢? 1. 代替傳統的筆記方式(如代替上課筆記) 2. 在大腦中建立整體架構 3. 分類可幫助記憶和 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2005-11-23T16:51
※ [本文轉錄自 StudyGroup 看板] 作者: gointo (No bar, no job.) 看板: StudyGroup 標題: Re: [書友]用英文討論CNN互動雜誌PART2 時間: Wed Nov 23 16:48:36 2005 : : 5. 地點:台北車站捷運三號出口怡客咖啡 ...