朗文advance改錯 - 自學

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-10-02T23:11

Table of Contents


6. His efforts, which he claims are his best, would be
less than satisfactory even to the least demanding person
----------------------B -------------------C
than myself.

我想問的是,為什麼不是 less satisfactory than?

8. The coldest weather of the decade slowed the shipment, even to the coldest
destinations, of the finer produce available.



10. The most sophisticated computers should challenge the sharpest
minds to develop the more efficient and most clever programs possible.

答案是more efficient

請問是把 more efficient 改成 most efficient嗎?
另外 most clever 為什麼不用改成 the most clever?



Tags: 自學

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-10-03T12:22
6的A錯的很明顯 最高級前面要加the 比較級沒有..
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-10-08T00:54
後面指的是8.10題 關鍵在平行用法...做題小技巧
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-10-09T03:11
那he will do his best. 最高級前這樣不一定要加the吧?


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-10-02T22:40
p.253 Q.72 Man: Is it OK if I write a check for twenty dollars over the amount? (我能開一張20元的支票付帳嗎?) Woman: I canand#39;t cash checks at night. The ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-10-02T20:51
好久沒有讀英文了 重拾英文 卻覺得很難 背了好一陣子的單字 卻覺得好像永遠背不完一樣 覺得有倦怠感 有時候背了就忘 請問剛學習英文時 都會有這種感覺嗎?? 覺得好像萬事起頭難的感覺 - ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-10-02T19:25
是這樣子的 仿間常聽到的有以下幾本 1:賴世雄老師所編的新英文法 2:東華書局出版的文法書 楊景邁老師所編 分上下冊 3:柯旗化老師所編的新英文法 4:旋元佑老師所編的文法書 andlt;這本我有最早的版本 當時叫文法俱樂部andgt; 5賀立民老師編的賀氏英文法 6AZAR的文法書系列 紅黑 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2007-10-02T16:44
各位前輩好: 小弟今天買了一本 LONGMAN 書名為: PREPARATION SERIES FOR THE NEW TOEIC TEST ADVANCED COURCE, Fourth Edition 裡面只有一塊student CD atatand#34; 好像不是大家常看 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-10-02T13:07
請問大家, Cambridge 的 English Grammar in Use (藍) 和 Advanced Grammar in Use (綠) 這兩本書如何~~ 不知道這兩本文法書內容如何,或是有什麼文法書值得推薦自學 - ...