有關UIC財力證明 - 留學

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-03-14T13:46

Table of Contents

我申請UIC Biological Science 的 Master Program
還沒有收到錄取信,可是昨天UIC的Office of International Services寄信給我
要我郵寄Declaration and Certification of Finances 以及財力證明的文件到他們的

Dear Prospective Student,

Thank you for submitting your application to the University of Illinois at
Chicago. You have been identified as a prospective international student for
Summer or Fall 2013. We know that the decision to attend College is an
important one, and we would like to provide you with some information to make
the process easier.

Please note that as a prospective international student, you may submit the
required documents that will allow our office to generate your I-20 or
DS-2019 before an admission decision is made by UIC. In other words, an
admission decision is not required before you can send these documents to our
office. The documents are:

1.) A completed Declaration and Certification of Finances form available from
our webpage
, also attached to this email.

2.) Proof of funding for one year in form of a bank statement. The financial
documents must be an original, i.e. not a copy, and must also be in English.
To view the types of funding acceptable, please view this link on our

Admission: Once you have received admission into the University of Illinois
at Chicago, the Office of International Services will send you your
Immigration Document in the form of an I-20 or a DS-2019.

If you have already sent your documents to this office, you may disregard
this email. For any further questions please email: [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you to the UIC Campus this Summer or Fall!


Office of International Services

1. 請問還沒有收到錄取信,目前這個狀態只是方便他們處理嗎,或是我的審查是到什

2. 我有上網爬文,有網友說UIC不接受 Demand Deposit,只接受 Saving Account
可是目前我的錢都在中國信託,他只開得出 Demand Deposit,請問有申請UIC的



Tags: 留學

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2013-03-18T01:52
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-03-18T10:38
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-03-19T10:29
樓上 在錄取的前提下會加速I20的處理效率 此封信就是要講這
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-03-22T11:39
件事 因為是國際學生事務的辦公室發來的 至於會不會比較快有
結果 那是審資料的Department的事 這封是制式信罷了
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-03-27T00:50
我是申請MPH program,經向系辦秘書詢問,這封信是
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-03-30T18:58

神戶大學 國際文化學研究科 准教授

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-03-14T12:37
板上各位學長好 小弟最近聯絡了如題該研究所的准教授 小笠原博毅 先生 得到了不錯的回應 雖然先生還很忙 沒時間看我的研究計劃 不過因為他的老同學很推薦我 所以他說很歡迎我到他的研究室給他指導 還跟我說名了考試時間跟入學時間 我的問題是 1. 這樣是不是就代表我拿到內定的機會很高了呢? 2. 板上是否有小 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-03-14T11:23
有些系所像是理工的都是12or1月就買單了 有些比較偏管理的或是其他是3or4月才截止申請 甚至還有6/1的 請問越晚會代表越容易申請上嗎? - ...

徵四月 Waterbury, CT租屋

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-03-14T08:51
大家好 因為四月份要到Waterbury的醫院去見習 想找一間附近的房子 已在craiglist徵求過但沒得到回覆 不知道板友們有沒有租屋資訊可以分享 或者建議往哪邊尋找呢?(遠一點需要開車的也可以) 謝謝! - ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-03-14T03:51
不好意思在這裡跟大家請教一下 因為聽說I-20一個人只會收到一份 日前我被USC通知錄取了 但是因為科系比較特別,所以還在等很多其他學校放榜 所以我還在考慮中,並沒有答應學校說我已經要去唸了 但我再申請的時候每一間學校我都直接附上我的財力證明 結果現在USC在我還沒答應他們之前就直接寄I-20的表 ...

Columbia U MSW Interview

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-03-13T23:42
Master of Social Work Interview Questions 1.和社會工作有關的工作經驗 2.服務中面臨的挑戰 3.與多元族群的工作經驗 4.請用三個形容詞形容你自己 5.你的短期及長期目標 6.Qandamp;A - ...