有一題口說... - 英檢

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-04-02T14:22

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先開宗明義給一個答案 "portrait"



※ 引述《think12381 ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《paupaulon (prepare for..)》之銘言:
: : describe a piece of arts that is imporant to you.
: : 很抱歉~~ 我實在想不出來了
: : 希望可以有人幫我一下! :(
: : 感激不盡!!
: 我想我會這樣回答

: The most important art is the portrait that is created by my mother.
^^^^^ ^^
piece of art (因art不可數) was

: It is important for me because that is my birthday present at 18.

: The portrait depicts my father. He is a honor, courageous person.
an honorable

: For one thing, my mother told me.
: when my farther was child, he picked up a bag including much money.
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
a child found which contained a lot of

: He send the bag to police office. he is so honor.
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
took the police office was so honorable (honest可能更好)

: For another thing,
: when he was youth, he saw a man who was so strong kicking his friend.
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
young a very strong man who was

: He stopped the man's behavior.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (字彙搭配問題,behavior前不會接stop)
stood up against the man and told him to stop doing that.

: He is courageous because he is so thin.
^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
was even though he was

: For these reasons, The portrait symbolizes honor and courage.
: That's why the portrait is important for me.

: 11句 時間內應該講的完 不然可以在刪個幾句
: 這樣答的好處 剛好和
: Describe the characteristics of a good teacher. Please state with specific
: examples and details.
: Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and
: examples in your explanation.
: 可以共用一個答案
: 有錯請指教摟


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-04-02T16:10
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-04-06T03:14


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-04-02T14:03
托福口說評分重點有三 (其實Official Guide裡面就說得很清楚了) 1. Delivery (包含發音、流利度、語調) 2. Language Use (字彙、文法是否使用得當) 3. Content Development (是否根據題目回答、是否有邏輯、上下文是否連貫) 評分時不會偏廢哪 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-04-02T13:35
最近想出國 於是積極的準備托福考試 其實之前也準備過,只是那時候目標沒這麼明確因此無疾而終 在板上爬過許久文,不過還是不能評估我大概要花多久時間才能考到托福100 (因為想要的國外標準似乎要100) 目前我能準備的時間還有接近兩年 我自認程度約只有英檢中級而已...而且寫作和口說一直都不是很好 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-04-02T12:41
請問一下 托福的口說評分的重點在哪裡 請問有人知道嗎 看了很多分享文 還是搞不懂怎麼樣才是拿高分的祕訣阿...... - ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-04-02T01:12
※ 引述《paupaulon (prepare for..)》之銘言: : 抱歉 又是我~ :( : 請問要立刻幫助人 還是思考過才幫? : 我真的想不到很好的論點跟例子! : 拜託了!!! :( 今天才想了一下這題 腦力激盪一下囉 思考過才幫 原因有二: 1. 我們可能幫錯人 ex:如果幫助壞人逃離案 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-04-02T00:59
抱歉 又是我~ :( 請問要立刻幫助人 還是思考過才幫? 我真的想不到很好的論點跟例子! 拜託了!!! :( - ...