最新TPO51托福閱讀題 <限7/16前領取> - 英檢

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-06-15T10:59

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TPO51分享:Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth

Afluid is a substance, such as a liquid or gas, in which the component
particles (usually molecules) can move past one another. Fluids flow easily
and conform to the shape of their containers. The geologic processes related
to the movement of fluids on a planet’s surface can completely resurface a
planet many times. These processes derive their energy from the Sun and the
gravitational forces of the planet itself. As these fluids interact with
surface materials, they move particles about or react chemically with them to
modify or produce materials. On a solid planet with a hydrosphere and an
atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the planetary mass flows as surface
fluids. Yet the movements of these fluids can drastically alter a planet.
Consider Venus and Earth, both terrestrial planets with atmosphere.

1.The word “modify” in the passage is closet in meaning to

2.The word “drastically” in the passage is closet in meaning to

3.Paragraph 1 supports all of the following statements about fluids EXCEPT:
●They can chemically react with particles on a planet’s surface.
●Most of their mass does not flow but remains in place.
●Their movements can reshape the surface of certain kinds of planets.
●Their movements is driven by the Sun and by gravity.

完整版與解答請見:http://bit.ly/2sAaxsa (活動只到7/16哦~)

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台中 06/25(日) 14:00~16:40 字神歡慶10週年

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台中 07/02(日) 14:00-17:00 托福口說 https://goo.gl/eBy9pb

高雄 07/09(日) 14:00-17:00 托福閱讀 https://goo.gl/zDQ4s6

TOEFL學習團:http://bit.ly/29SZbaN (歡迎一起加入,收集最新情報!)

Tags: 英檢

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