曼大 Global Business Analysis心得分享 - 留學

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-04-20T16:20

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因為對Manchester Global Business Analysis有興趣所以聯絡上曾念過的學姐




1.課程內容如何? 可以請妳說一下妳對課程內容的感想嗎?

GBA is more practical than any other program at MBS. In my opinion, I
really like this program coz it forces me to complete over 80 case studies
within a yr. Although it's not easy, especially for MACC, I indeed learn a
lot from GBA. I have to say, it's more difficult than NTU Finance which I
studied before. To be honest, not only me but other British and European
classmates felt its worthy of 1 yr and money. I'm not sure if you will feel
the same in the future. However, if you have worked before, you definitely
will experience sth different during this GBA yr. (btw, only GBA students can
get internship opportunities in the end of 2nd semester combined with our

2. 通常一屆大約有多少人? 平時上課是大班還是小班教學?

From my yr 2010 to 2011, there were 64 students. Usually its all together for
every course, except for MACC which separated for 2 cohorts. For DO and AC,
there will be 3 and 2 different groups for seminars.

3. 班上同學素質如何(會問這個是因為有個念非曼大但也是英國不錯的研究所的朋友曾

To be honest, at every university this happens often coz chinese ppl
always apply for masters through their agents who write down everything for
them. Therefore, even those lecturers at MBS have no idea how to make the
best choice. However, if u wanna have a good team, it depends on ur
performance and attitude. Sometimes u have to cooperate with chinese or
indians coz u have no choice in the first semester. But, in the second
semester, u can choose ur own team members. I would say, if u study hard and
work hard, british and european ppl will be glad to enroll u in the same
group. Of course chinese ppl will discuss with u in chinese coz that's their
culture. what u can do is to force them to speak in eng and ask them to
respect other non chinese classmates. i have thousands of experiences about

4. 班上學生國籍比例? 這個系台灣人好像相對比較少(好難找到學長姐呀...)

During my yr, there are 3 groups: chinese, indians, and united.
But with regard to we 4 taiwanese, 3 are in the united and only 1 guy are
always with chinese and indians. Yes we have a few taiwanese but we 4 ppl are
very cooperative and always help with each other. it really depends on how u
guys work together.

5. 要拿到實習資格會很困難嗎?(印象是兩個term只能當一科)

Its not difficult for me. as long as u can pass MACC, the most difficult
course I have ever studied, u can pass everything and get the internship.

6. 有聽說這個系很操,有很多presentation和case study,不知道分數會不會很難拿?

Yes indeed GBA is a tough program and we got a lot of presentations and
assignments and exams. However, those were really useful and we all
experienced a lot when we got through those presentations and teamworks. Just
think about it, if u pay 17,000 tuition fee per yr, u wanna choose an easy
program or a tough one? I have to say, no pain, no gain!!!

7. 成績有到實習門檻但最後沒拿到實習的例子多不多呀?(自願放棄的不算),另外通常

usually if u pass all courses u definitely will get the internship. there
were only 2 or 3 cases failed due to their lazy and bad performance. well...
in terms of companies, it differs every yr. some are famous and some are not.
however, u can still learn sth from the small companies coz u have to do

8. 在實習的過程中大概是在做那些事? 有聽說有些企業在非曼城的地方,那這樣工作應

this one differs as well, depending on which project u get. For example, I
got my internship at FWB Products Ltd which is based in Stoke-on-Trent. So I
had to commute from Man to Stoke twice to three times a wk. My project focus
on market research and industry analysis. so we had to do a lot!!! that's a
tough one compared to others. but i didnt regret that i got this one!

9. 因為有實習,所以畢業以後是不是比較容易在英國找到工作? 薪水是否會比較高?這

Yes. if u have any experience in the uk, its easier for u to get the next
opportunity. However, it doesnt mean that u will get higher salary. if u
wanna save money and earn a lot afterwards, then u have better go back to tw
instead of working here. speaking to ur career after GBA, u can do anything
to be honest. No need to only emphasize on the consulting industry.

10. 學姐在這個program念了一年後,推薦學弟妹申請這個系嗎XD

from my point of view above, u have got my thought for this question. i
really miss GBA and MBS. same as my classmates. So~ for ur information, it
really depends on urself. u have to make sure what u wanna get from ur master
program and what u would like to do after graduate! its not just a tool to
get higher salary.

11. Does GBA use lots of math or finance concept? I'm not good at math and
finance = ="

For your information, GBA doesnt really focus on finance. However, in the
first semester there is a course called Analysing Companies which utilises
some financial reports and every kind of news. We all liked that one coz its
very useful and you will have to learn how to look at certain figures on
those reports. (not calculation or math. don't worry!)

12. you said that your internship focus on market researches and I am wondering

if you had marketing research couses in second sem or you had related courses
in NTU?(I ask this because my major is political science in NTU and I only
take marketing management at that time)

if you want to take courses related to marketing research, u can look for
some from marketing program in the second semester. i had one in NTU before
but it doesnt matter really.

if u really wanna emphasize on certain area, i believe u can find courses u
like later. also, many internships during our yr need to utilise market
research and marketing skills.



讓我們對Manchester GBA有更多的認識:D

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-04-23T13:28
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-04-28T07:31
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-05-02T17:05
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-05-03T23:52


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-04-20T10:24
最近台南不知道有沒有相關英國遊學介紹或是演講的,想去聽聽看,了解一下英國遊學的狀 況,因為在考慮不知道要去美國還是英國,身邊朋友都各有推薦,自己深入了解應該會比較 清楚吧..我想。 - ...

尷尬的處境 想請教大家!

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-04-19T23:31
事情是這樣的... 我透過代辦幫我申請學校, 申請之前 我請她評估我最想去的第一志願 當時她是說我的在校成績沒有八十 所以建議不要丟 我看她也沒有要幫我試試看的意思 (好歹也說個 沒關係還是可以試試看) 後來就自己丟了申請資料過去。 不料拿到con.了 但是這次雅思成績只有6,所以她願意等我第二 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-04-19T23:24
先給板上各位大大先進請安, 小弟今年九月將前往英國留學, 學校是倫大亞非學院,位於UCL、LSE那塊學校區(bloombury)。 由於申請到的宿舍有提供便宜的早晚餐, 中餐則要自理,但宿舍又沒有廚房可以用,所以必須除自炊外另想他法。 聽說英國的外食好貴好貴,我在想,或許速食或外帶的會便宜些? ...

Human Resource 選校

John avatar
By John
at 2012-04-19T23:15
各位版友好, 我申請了今年入學的人資碩士課程, 經過爬板之後發現版上少有人資方面的討論, 因此在這裡提出來請大家幫忙。 想請問各位有經驗或略有涉獵的版友, 人資方面,Glasgow, Leeds, Sheffield怎麼選校呢? 目前的考量是: Leeds的課程看起來都滿有趣的, Sheffield吸引我 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-04-19T18:12
※ 引述《Michiko (歡迎來到邪術界)》之銘言: : 大家好,不知道有沒有人也是申請今年劍橋碩博士班? : 約莫上周五我登入了Self-service後,發現狀態變為 : and#34;Awaiting decision by the Board of Graduate Studiesand ...