景點簡介英文版 - 景點

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-06-17T12:42

Table of Contents


原稿是精華區ebee大的各種 【終極玩法】,謝謝ebee大一開始的分享。

Brief Introduction of Famous Spot

South Route

Ju-yuan rockwork*
Nice view.

Penghu National Scenic Area Administration*
You can have a brief introduction about Penghu here. Beside you can also get
some information about Penghu like Map or other data. *Air-con here*

Many plants and a lake. A lot of birds reside here. Only birds’ song you’ll
listen here.

Cai-yuan Floating farm***
People breed fish and oyster here. You can try to catch them. Here you can
enjoy a big meal of oyster. It will cost you 3 hours if you join the activity

Shan-shui beach route:

Shuo-gang-zhen-feng stone tower*
A three floor height stone tower. Rice dumpling here is famous. Around 4pm in
the noon, fishing boat will return here with all their harvest. Watching how
they sell their fish is enjoyable.

Shan-shui beach ****
Brief Introduction of Famous Spot
A truly beautiful place. Swimming or playing sand here will be nice.

Shi-li **
It was famous here. However it is abandoned for a long time.

Feng-gui *
People used to come here to listen to the wind which is special due to the
special geology. However the coast is changed due to weathering erosion. So
the sound of the wind is no longer special here. However, the view here is
still nice. From here you can see Magong city. There was a battle in the
ancient time. Which is Netherland VS China. An old woman selling baked squid

Airplane route:

Ai-men beach ****
It is romantic to jog here in the evening/ morning. Due to the jellyfish, here
is not suitable for swimming. Here you can play volleyball and collect shell.

Guo-ye sun rise***
You need to set up at 4am from Magong city if you want to enjoy the sunrise.
25minutes is need to reach here from Magong.

Kui-bi mountain ***
During the low-tide, you can walk to the Red Island 300metres away from here.
Along the path there are shell and dead coral. You will have a nice view if
you climb to the top of Red Island.

Qing-luo beach ***
Because here is infamous, so there are less destruction. Coral here is

North Route:

Xu’s neighborhood
Calm and peaceful with traditional Penghu style building. Nice place for photo.

Sha-gang village
Traditional Penghu style building with nice view that can see some Island at
the East.

Zhong-tun Windmill
Nice place to take photo.

Wa-tong oxcart
Here you can ride on oxcart.

Chi-kan seaport
Seaport to north. The busiest seaport in Penghu. Climbing up to the top of
the hill beside it will give you nice view.

Brief Introduction of Famous Spot

Tong-yang Banyan
A three hundred years old tree. Big shadow to hide from the sun.

Oversea bridge
Typical landmark of Penghu. It is also a nice place to watch sunset.

14meters underwater tunnel bring you beneath the sea.

West Route

Xiao-men whale cave(special geology)
Beehive farm(traditional vegetable farm)
Geology gallery
Cactus ice(nice dessert)
Sea snail with wine(nice dessert)
Feng-ru Tea(typical drink)
Zhu-wan coral tunnel(you may see turtle here)
Zhu-wan shipyard
Er-kan traditional building neighborhood(since 1911)
Er-kan grass field
Jiu-qu bridge(watch sunset here)
Da-guo-ye Columnar Basalt
Chi-ma-wu-kong-ding cannon(nice view if you climb to the top)
Nei-an tourist area(golden beach with golden sea in the evening)
Wai-an west-taiwan ancient castle
West-Island camouflage cannon
Brief Introduction of Famous Spot
Wai-an abandoned military camp
West-Island light house(nice view if you climb up)
West-Island grass field(act like cowherd, collect cactus’s fruit, watch

Tags: 景點

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-06-18T05:50
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-06-18T22:58
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-06-19T16:06
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-06-20T09:14
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-06-21T02:22


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-06-16T23:29
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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-06-16T21:07
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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-06-16T15:05
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
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