日本地震/海嘯募款訊息 牛津 - 留學

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-03-26T17:57

Table of Contents

Many thanks from OUJS and 'Helping Hands For Japan - event on 27 March'

To all of you who helped out with the OUJS street collection.
First of all, thank you very much for participating. It was a meaningful
week for all of us, and I think we were able to develop some sort of a
connection with the people suffering from the earthquake in Tohoku. While
the money is still only about 2/3 counted, it seems we have made well
over our initial goal of 10,000 pounds. We've therefore decided to give
the street collections a break, and start the second stage of writing
letters to the charities rep and ball reps of the different colleges, to
see if they would be willing to donate some money. If some of you could
help with the task of sending letters to organisations that might like to
help us, it would be great. In the meantime, thank you all again for
helping and I would appreciate it if you could forward this email to all
those who have helped whose email addresses I unfortunately don't have.


エネルギーにしてこれからは各々のカレッジのBall rep. とCharities rep. への
Writing Campaignを通してさらに義援金を集めたいと思います。この第二ステー

Ronan Sato
President, Oxford University Japan Society

※ 引述《AllenHuang (∴'☆:∵★.\:)》之銘言:
: Dear OUTSS Members,
: I'm writing to let you know that Oxford University Japan Society (OUJS) is
: now collecting donations from the public on behalf of the Red Cross at Carfax
: Tower, near the HSBC on Cornmarket Street. The campaign is held Everyday
: from 12.00 to 18.00 at least till next Monday (21st March). Since there are
: not so many Japanese students in Oxford, we could offer our help.
: If you are still in Oxford and able to contribute part of your time, please
: click the link below and key in your available time in the DOODLE.
: http://doodle.com/w99hsv858ddhzey8 . Of course, you are always welcome to
: drop in without notification in advance. You can also contact Ronan at
: [email protected] / 07861769356. It would also be very helpful if you can
: pass such info to those in your Facebook, college, department, and institute.
: Also, here is the link to Japan Earthquake Relief Fund, to which you can make
: donations online: http://japanearthquakerelieffund.jimdo.com/ .
: God bless Japan.
: Sincerely,
: Oxford University Taiwanese Students Society (OUTSS)
: E-mail: [email protected]
: 由於在牛津的日本學生不多,且適逢這禮拜是期末考週,OUJS這幾天募款人力非常吃
: 緊!Ronan,OUJS President,希望能有學生可以一起來幫OUJS募款。Josh提議我們可
: 以用DOODLE更有效率來填寫大家有空的時間,之後我們以接力方式,每天有足夠學生
: 到Cornmarket Street (near HSBC),來幫忙OUJS募款!
: 熱心的您,如果想幫忙這次募款的話,麻煩提供您的E-mail address給以下聯絡人,
: 或是直接到Cornmarket Street幫忙OUJS募款。
: Frank Chen
: Ronan Sato: [email protected]
: Mobile: 07861 769356
: Frank Chen: [email protected]
: Mobile: 07778 554625

Tags: 留學

All Comments


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-03-26T17:50
哈囉,我又來了!!前幾天發過一篇有關外匯帳戶的文章 然後有很多人回覆,真是很感動^^,但經過幾天的思考及 做了一些相關功課,雖然覺得匯豐銀行的外匯帳戶是挺方便的 但不過對於我短期遊學的學生而言,是相對較麻煩的 (因為只去一個半月,回國後近期用不上,但還會被收帳館費 但我看到有一篇回覆文章,有寫可以取 ...

Coventry University Pre-hospital Healthcare PhD

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-03-26T17:47
Admission: Coventry Universiy PhD Title: Wilderness Medicine Course For Taiwanese EMT Length: 3 years (2011-2014) Rejection: None 我只申請一間 Background: B. ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-03-26T14:44
各位好 一直希望自己能夠有進修的規劃 當然,是為了能在職場發揮或得到更好的工作機會 也曾在此版詢問目前在英國就學的版友 想利用這機會再請教各位幾個問題 還請大家不吝指教 謝謝 基本條件:五專學歷 + 6年行銷業務經驗 想申請的學系:MBA或Marketing相關院所 問題: 1. UKEAS的顧問說, ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-03-26T14:02
對不起 這是一個選校文 目前拿到兩所學校的con offer 一個是 Anglia Ruskin University 一個是 Roehamptom University 兩個學校的課程都滿吸引我的 不過 一個校區位於 Chelmsford 一個是 London 不知道是否有經驗的人 可以告訴我 應該要如 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-03-26T12:39
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