新航回台灣行李上限35KG - 留學

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-07-28T20:50

Table of Contents





第一種,拿學校的SCHOOL LETTER證明不會再回來唸書,行李CHECK IN的時候給他看,


第二種,行李CHECK IN給他看學生證,給你三十公斤。


Dear Mr. XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail to Singapore Airlines.

We are pleased to advise you the Singapore Airlines policy for a final year

students who are returning home from their place of study in UK.

Kindly note as you are a final year students and returning home from the

place of study, you will be entitled for extra 15 kilos of checked baggage

allowance upon production of your UK college or university letter stating

that the you have completed your studies and will not be returning to the

United Kingdom for further studies.

On presenting this letter at check-in, your total free baggage allowance will

be 35 kilos, and any additional baggage over this weight will be charged per

kilo. Please note for health and safety reasons, no one piece of checked

baggage may weigh more than 32 kilos.

If you do not have the letter as mentioned above or are not a final year

student, you will be entitled to an extra 10 kilos on production of your

Student Identity card for UK college or university, to bring your total free

baggage allowance to 30 kilos.

Please fax Singapore Airlines a formal letter written on the letterhead of

the university or college, along with your contact details, Booking Reference

Number and Flight Details to 020 8563 6753, so that we can update your

reservation accordingly.

Hope this information helps.

Thank you for choosing Singapore Airlines.

Yours Sincerely,

Paige Brooks


Tags: 留學

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-07-31T21:40
怎麼會那麼好...> < 新航很感人耶,果然有問有差
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-08-03T18:49

Msc Biotechnology相關科系 一問

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-07-28T09:59
HI 各位前輩 我又來問問題了 我現在正在努力準備2010年的碩士班 因為我想讀跟biotech相關的學校 然後我就去Times 上面查了學校排名.... 然後一間一間的去尋找 有無我想讀到科系 但是....有時候會在該校的網站裡面找不到有關biotech的碩士課程... 那Time ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-07-28T07:43
8/8會到愛丁堡一趟 想徵租一晚 有兩個人希望能夠徵到 - ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-07-28T07:34
※ [本文轉錄自 VISA 看板] 作者: bn10051 (阿光) 看板: VISA 標題: [歐洲] 法國寄簽 時間: Tue Jul 28 07:33:32 2009 冒昧請問一下 請問有人最近在英國申請法國申根簽證嗎?(寄簽) 由於網站已失聯 而搜尋結果如下 http://www.con ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-07-28T03:55
前幾天突然找到一瓶不知道是什麼時候在英國購買的boots防曬乳 瓶底寫著:4ZZ,還有A140088/4/6 請問這樣的保存期限到什麼時候呢? 請知道的朋友抽空回覆我了 謝謝 ^^ btw,有朋友知道海倫仙度絲跟嬌生的沐浴乳該怎麼看保存期限嗎? 海倫仙度絲的批號寫著:824... 嬌生沐浴乳的批號是:016 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-07-28T02:30
即將出發去英國留學一年 學校在倫敦南方 朋友建議我買一件Gore-Tex的防水外套去 說下雨或下雪的話,比較方便 不過我滿不喜歡Gore-Tex的防水外套 因為都做得太休閒款了..我穿起來也很大件 去墾趣,山頂鳥,歐都納這些店...都沒看到喜歡的 這種外套真的有需要買嗎??(好貴..一件要一萬出頭andgt; ...