文法 - 英檢

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-07-14T19:02

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This is beause even being programmed to copy human creations,(要加that嗎)
computers never produce their own unique msterpieces.

因為有開頭的this is,逗號後面不用加that來代表先行詞this is嗎?

She points out that small businesses have a higher closure rate in their first
five years, and thus in terms of job security,(沒有連接詞) working in large companies
certainly overweioghs setting up a new business.

第二句有and ,而且又不是完整句子,所以第三句才不用連接詞嗎?

Nevertheless, the professor clearly indicates that even though large companies
may be reducing welfare offered to their employees, self-emplyers have to
realize that as soon as they start their own businesses,(為什麼沒有連接詞) all
benefits are dug out of their own profits.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-07-15T14:14
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-07-14T10:33
幾年前準備AWA時 有補過謝忠裡的文法修辭課 發現上課的內容跟李維的文法寫作課還蠻雷同的 也是從詞,時態,句型,修辭那些講起 那是否需要再補一次? 還是把謝忠裡的教材在k一次即可? 感謝板友解惑 ! - ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-07-14T10:18
我六月份考試(站前地球村)的經驗也是一樣 我試了6,7次吧 最後是把耳機斜一邊戴(因為我考場的耳機不能聊整MIC的位置) 讓MIC靠近嘴巴一點 才測試成功 雖然是小問題 可是收音一直不成功會讓考生一開始就緊張起來 而緊張可是考試的大忌 會影響你作題的FU (*就算你收音成功 同考場的其他考人要是一直試音 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-07-13T23:12
: - ...

康老師字神帝國免費講座心得與機經jj網 …

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-07-13T17:35
※ 引述《DreamerTrue ( )》之銘言: : 我去參加字神帝國的免費講座後 : 覺的講座內容真的是乏善可陳 : 可能是我對托福有一定的了解 : 才會覺的這些講座真的很浪費我的時間 : 大家可以衡量一下 看到閣下提到字神帝國的免費講座,我也聊一下心得. 我參加過字神帝國的講座滿多次的,包括主講的包 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-07-13T17:06
請問一下這兩個課程是不是最好要先有一定基礎再去上? 如果基礎沒有很好去上會不會上的很痛苦阿? 有沒有補過的大大稍微說明一下這兩堂課吧 謝謝 - ...