整合寫作 - 英檢

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-02-10T01:20

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The author of the reading passage proposes three theories as likely
explanations of the primary function of Chaco Canyon houses, grant structures
built in the I2th century. The lecturer, however, points to the inaccuracies
in each of these theories.

The lecturer argues that the modest number of fireplaces in these structures
is in contradiction with the huge size of these houses, indicating that these
structures could not have been used for Residential purposes. The Reading,
however, draws comparisons between the Chaco houses and other similar large
Residential structures in support of the "Residential" theory.

The second theory, that the houses were used for food storage, is also
rejected by the lecturer. He explains that a place that had been used for
storing maize would have many traces of scattered Maize, which is not the
case in the area of the Chaco Canyon houses. This proves that the "food
storage theory" is unlikely.

Finally, regarding the third theory, the "ceremony theory'', the lecturer
contends that the presence of broken pots close to the great houses does not
offer sufficient proof that this was a place for ceremonial activities.
He argues that there are other materials such as pieces of construction trash
found along with the broken pots, which suggest that these pots were probably
not used for ceremonial purposes but instead were discarded by construction
workers upon completion of the great houses.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-02-12T16:53
整合寫這麼多 似乎已經脫離"摘要"的原意了
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-02-17T10:39


James avatar
By James
at 2011-02-10T01:19
如題,因為打算這兩天就報名 急尋願意當介紹人的倍特舊生 請好心人直接回信到我的信箱 非常感謝 :) - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-02-09T18:27
請問複查要怎麼知道是還在進行中,還是已經複查完但成績不變? 我的成績照理說應該是複查完成了, 但為什麼點進Order Summary 還是可以看到右上角有一個Delete/Modify可以按? 而且還真的可以Delete/Modif喔 我試按了一下Delete,金額total就變成0了(之後還要con ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-02-09T15:05
大家好,不知道有沒有聽過詠瑞留學呢? 其實我是想問詠瑞家教 --andgt;托福,一人一小時900元,請問有人上過嗎? 非常謝謝各位的回覆 -- 1 ˇBaseball 棒球 ◎中4:0澳 再手動置底我劣退喔 爆!AH977/mingch 編號 日 期 作 者 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-02-09T12:02
大家好 上個月30號(20110130)我第一次考托福 為了申請學校的交換學生計畫 學校內部的初審時間是2/10,想當然成績還沒出來 我向承辦人請求能夠通融一些時間,但她說最多一個星期 實在很擔心ETS會很慢公布 尤其前些日子他們網站公布大風雪導致停班幾天 我爬了去年1/31的考試,成績公布時間竟然拖了很久 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-02-09T10:44
請問一下前輩,可不可以分享一些美加實戰班的補習心得呢?? 我正打算要報名 3/8~5/28 的12周實戰班(晨上課), 請問一下這時段的老師好不好? 上課品質好不好? (早上上課人比較少比較有品質,會嗎?) 另外,上課的密度高嗎? 聽說讀寫四堂課,會不會有哪幾堂是比較冗,一忙就想蹺課的? ...