托福閱讀答題技巧~細節題‧Part 5 - 英檢

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-05-01T17:47

Table of Contents





E. 如果題目問正面字如benefit, contribute, advantage, 那回原文找正面字訊息,如:

Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants
hydroponically, that is, in soilless liquid nutrient solutions. This technique
allows researchers to create solutions that selectively omit certain nutrients
and then observe the resulting effects on the plants. Hydroponics has
applications beyond basic research, since it facilitates the growing of
greenhouse vegetables during winter. Aeroponics, a technique in which plants
are suspended and the roots misted with a nutrient solution, is another way for
growing plants without soil.

What is the advantage of hydroponics for research on nutrient deficiencies in

(A) It allows researchers to control what nutrients a plant receives.
(B) It allows researchers to observe the growth of a large number of plants
(C) It is possible to directly observe the roots of plants.
(D) It is unnecessary to keep misting plants with nutrient solutions.


Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants
hydroponically, that is, in soilless liquid nutrient solutions. This technique
allows researchers to create solutions that selectively omit certain nutrients
and then observe the resulting effects on the plants. Hydroponics has
applications beyond basic research, since it facilitates the growing of
greenhouse vegetables during winter. Aeroponics, a technique in which plants
are suspended and the roots misted with a nutrient solution, is another way for
growing plants without soil.

What is the advantage of hydroponics for research on nutrient deficiencies in

(A) It allows researchers to control what nutrients a plant receives.
(B) It allows researchers to observe the growth of a large number of plants
simultaneously. 原文無此訊息
(C) It is possible to directly observe the roots of plants. 原文無此訊息
(D) It is unnecessary to keep misting plants with nutrient solutions.
原文沒說unnecessary,然後噴灑營養液是指Aerophonics (氣培法),故不選

次在講關於它對培植溫室蔬菜的應用。因此根據題目我們用research on nutrient
deficiencies來定位。題目問優點,因此找正面字看到allow…..to create。



F. 細節題需要推論題技巧負負得正的,如:

Two additional techniques of studying infant perception have come into vogue.
The first is the habituation-dishabituation technique, in which a single
stimulus is presented repeatedly to the infant until there is a measurable
decline (habituation) in whatever attending behavior is being observed. At
that point a new stimulus is presented, and any recovery (dishabituation) in
responsiveness is recorded. If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues
to display habituation with the new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is
unable to perceive the new stimulus as different. The
habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies
of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. The second technique relies on
evoked potentials, which are electrical brain responses that may be related to
a particular stimulus because of where they originate. Changes in the
electrical pattern of the brain indicate that the stimulus is getting through
to the infant's central nervous system and eliciting some form of response.

Which of the following leads to the conclusion that infants are able to
differentiate between stimuli in a habituation-dishabituation study?

(A) Dishabituation occurs with the introduction of a new stimulus.

(B) Electrical responses in the infant's brain decline with each new stimulus.

(C) Habituation is continued with the introduction of a new stimulus.

(D) The infant displays little change in electrical brain responses.

Two additional techniques of studying infant perception have come into vogue.
The first is the habituation-dishabituation technique, in which a single
stimulus is presented repeatedly to the infant until there is a measurable
decline (habituation) in whatever attending behavior is being observed. At
that point a new stimulus is presented, and any recovery (dishabituation) in
responsiveness is recorded. If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues
to display habituation with the new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is
unable to perceive the new stimulus as different. The
habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies
of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. The second technique relies on
evoked potentials, which are electrical brain responses that may be related to
a particular stimulus because of where they originate. Changes in the
electrical pattern of the brain indicate that the stimulus is getting through
to the infant's central nervous system and eliciting some form of response.

Which of the following leads to the conclusion that infants are able to
differentiate between stimuli in a habituation-dishabituation study?

(A) Dishabituation occurs with the introduction of a new stimulus.

(B) Electrical responses in the infant's brain decline with each new stimulus.

(C) Habituation is continued with the introduction of a new stimulus.

(D) The infant displays little change in electrical brain responses.

different的那句:baby is unable to perceive the new stimulus as different
(嬰兒沒有辦法識別出新的刺激有什麼不同。) 但題目問able但原文裡的資訊是
unable,因此在原文定位句加負號,答案就出來了,修改後句子為If the infant
dishabituate (放棄舊習慣) and not continues to show habituation with the
new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is able to perceive the new
stimulus as different. 關鍵字if接的訊息是導致的原因,也是題目在問的答案。



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Tags: 英檢

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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2015-05-01T11:26
andlt;求學背景andgt; NTNU andlt;準備時間andgt; 2014/11-2015/02, 在職準備 andlt;準備教材andgt; SK2十堂精修班講義, TPO模考軟體 兩戰:R27 L26 S23 W26 Total 102 英文是我很喜歡的 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-04-30T17:49
各位同學大家好, 我是Eric老師,本身在台灣曾經擔任過大學英文講師,具有12年的英文教科書編寫經 驗,現在是一位留學相關考試的執教老師,也是一位托福120分和雅思9分雙滿分的老師。 隨著暑假即將來臨,越來越多同學透過我所經營的粉絲團或學習團,不斷詢問「如何 精進自己托福寫作能力」相關的 ...

20150307 一戰 97分 (美加)

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2015-04-29T20:17
個人資料 《TOEFL-IBT應考日期及成績》20150307 一戰 分數97 《求學背景》 台大 生技系 《英文能力敘述》 無 《考試身份》 在職考生 《考場地點》 美加考場 《準備時間》 三個月 《準備教材》 美加教材 《各科分數》 Listening:27、Writing:22、Readi ...

3/7 一戰 TOEFL-IBT 106分 (美加)

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2015-04-29T19:41
《求學背景》台灣大學生化科技系 《英文能力敘述》無 《考試身份》學生 《考場地點》美加考場 《準備時間》三個月 《準備教材》美加教材 《各科分數》Listening:28、Writing:26、Reading:30、Speaking:22 在來到美加補習班之前,我四處打聽最好的托福補習班,除 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-04-29T19:36
老問題了但最近等了有點煩躁 想請問同樣有參加3/7考試的朋友們有沒有收到紙本成績單了? 另外想請問一下要寄信去問的話是這個: www.prometric.com/contact-us 還是台灣的email: TOEFLSupport4Taiwanatets.org 謝謝 - ...