托福成績複查 - 英檢

By Dora
at 2010-12-02T12:33
at 2010-12-02T12:33
Table of Contents
昨天 N 戰出分, 對於口說有點不滿意,
也遵照精華區的建議, 傳真後立刻寫信去向 ETS 確認是否有收到傳真.
雖然 ETS 超乎預料地在 24 小時內回信, 但我還是不知道它收到我的傳真了沒啊~
"Please allow 7-10 business days for processing the fax." 感覺什麼都沒回答~
這封信的內容是否真的沒有實質意義呢? 所以我還是無法確定我的傳真有沒有被收到囉?
11/1 (台北時間早上7:00) 寄信
Dear Sirs,
I just faxed the Rescoring Request Form to your organization at 1-610-290-8972
at 06:00 PM, November 30, 2010 (New Jersey Time). I would appreciate it very
much if you could kindly check whether my rescoring request has been
successfully received. Your great help will be very important to my plan for my
further education in the States. Thank you very much and wish you a wonderful
Best regards,
11/2 (台北時間早上6:21) 得到回覆
Dear 某某某,
Regarding your inquiry:
Please note that your rescore request has not been processed to date. Please
allow 7-10 business days for processing the fax. All rescores are completed
approximately 3 weeks after receipt at ETS and do not appear on your account
until processing has been completed.
We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. If you have additional
questions, please contact TOEFL Customer Service at 1-877-863-3546...
以下是廢言 (應該是類似簽名檔那種每封信都有的結尾)
也遵照精華區的建議, 傳真後立刻寫信去向 ETS 確認是否有收到傳真.
雖然 ETS 超乎預料地在 24 小時內回信, 但我還是不知道它收到我的傳真了沒啊~
"Please allow 7-10 business days for processing the fax." 感覺什麼都沒回答~
這封信的內容是否真的沒有實質意義呢? 所以我還是無法確定我的傳真有沒有被收到囉?
11/1 (台北時間早上7:00) 寄信
Dear Sirs,
I just faxed the Rescoring Request Form to your organization at 1-610-290-8972
at 06:00 PM, November 30, 2010 (New Jersey Time). I would appreciate it very
much if you could kindly check whether my rescoring request has been
successfully received. Your great help will be very important to my plan for my
further education in the States. Thank you very much and wish you a wonderful
Best regards,
11/2 (台北時間早上6:21) 得到回覆
Dear 某某某,
Regarding your inquiry:
Please note that your rescore request has not been processed to date. Please
allow 7-10 business days for processing the fax. All rescores are completed
approximately 3 weeks after receipt at ETS and do not appear on your account
until processing has been completed.
We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. If you have additional
questions, please contact TOEFL Customer Service at 1-877-863-3546...
以下是廢言 (應該是類似簽名檔那種每封信都有的結尾)
All Comments

By Yuri
at 2010-12-05T13:08
at 2010-12-05T13:08

By Anonymous
at 2010-12-09T03:13
at 2010-12-09T03:13

By Charlotte
at 2010-12-12T18:31
at 2010-12-12T18:31

By Joseph
at 2010-12-16T01:40
at 2010-12-16T01:40

By Ursula
at 2010-12-18T07:46
at 2010-12-18T07:46
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