托福和GRE雙料滿分 怎麼達到? (觀念分享) - 英檢

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-03-30T21:47
at 2013-03-30T21:47
Table of Contents
分享者: Alexander Wang (托福寫作滿分 GRE寫作滿分)
英文寫作要怎麼樣才能快速進步+脫離 "啊, 這個亞洲人寫的"的夢魘? (觀念篇)
⊙ 關鍵1: 筆者在進入重點前要先鋪陳背景 (不超過兩句話) 沒有背景?自己掰一下吧
(普通) I disagree with the statement that school education is more important
than family education. (一般補習班給的模版)
(好) Whether or not school education is more important than family education
remains highly debatable. Recognizing the importance of school education (鋪陳
), I maintain, however, that family education outweighs school education.
⊙ 關鍵2: 英文是 a writer-responsible language
一般認為, 受文化影響, 中文(和日文, 韓文等) 在書寫裡是一個reader-responsible
language 意謂讀者看不懂是讀者的問題 (要自己去意會咀嚼); 英文的文章, 讀者看不
This leads to my next point.
⊙ 關鍵3: 你永遠都可以講得更清楚; 亞洲學生寫作 "underuse" in other words,
that is, that is to say, specifically, more precisely, more importantly, 等字
, 會不會用這些字是writer好壞的重要指標
For 研究生: Paraphrase完別人的work後你的責任未了; 必加in other words 等來
"show your understanding".
⊙ 關鍵4: 好的寫作roadmap or thesis statement is everything
Thesis statement 出現在第一段的最後面, 這句話是整篇文章最重要的一句話; 它要很
例: Specifically, I will argue below that (1), (2), and (3) will allow one (=
a person) to perform well at school.
That is: 第二段在講(1), 第三段講(2), 第四段 (3), 第五段總結
⊙ 關鍵5: 每一句話環環相扣
在改學生的作文時, 我常常必須要寫 "why mentioning this here?" "how is this
related to the previous sentence?" "abrupt" "you need another sentence to
connect them" 等comments; 因為原因很簡單, 筆者想到什麼寫什麼, 讀者很難follow.
看看下面這段:(改寫自Thinking, fast and slow一書)
The dominance of conclusions over arguments is more obvious where emotions
are involved. The phenomenon is well-captured by Paul Slovic's work on
"affect heuristic", which refers to that people let their likes and dislikes
determine their beliefs about the world. For instance, your political
preference determines the argument that you find compelling. This phenomenon,
importantly, has tremendous implications for....
Phenomenon 連結前一整句話, For instance再去為Paul Slovic的work舉出詳細例子 (連
接字: for instance, determine), 最後再接回affect heuristic.
一句接一句 沒有任何一句話會被說 "Why is it there?" 能做到這樣的話 文章自然會寫
的很好 讀者也會讀得很舒服!!!!!!
For more free resources please visit www.facebook.com/AlexanderWangEnglish
英文寫作要怎麼樣才能快速進步+脫離 "啊, 這個亞洲人寫的"的夢魘? (觀念篇)
⊙ 關鍵1: 筆者在進入重點前要先鋪陳背景 (不超過兩句話) 沒有背景?自己掰一下吧
(普通) I disagree with the statement that school education is more important
than family education. (一般補習班給的模版)
(好) Whether or not school education is more important than family education
remains highly debatable. Recognizing the importance of school education (鋪陳
), I maintain, however, that family education outweighs school education.
⊙ 關鍵2: 英文是 a writer-responsible language
一般認為, 受文化影響, 中文(和日文, 韓文等) 在書寫裡是一個reader-responsible
language 意謂讀者看不懂是讀者的問題 (要自己去意會咀嚼); 英文的文章, 讀者看不
This leads to my next point.
⊙ 關鍵3: 你永遠都可以講得更清楚; 亞洲學生寫作 "underuse" in other words,
that is, that is to say, specifically, more precisely, more importantly, 等字
, 會不會用這些字是writer好壞的重要指標
For 研究生: Paraphrase完別人的work後你的責任未了; 必加in other words 等來
"show your understanding".
⊙ 關鍵4: 好的寫作roadmap or thesis statement is everything
Thesis statement 出現在第一段的最後面, 這句話是整篇文章最重要的一句話; 它要很
例: Specifically, I will argue below that (1), (2), and (3) will allow one (=
a person) to perform well at school.
That is: 第二段在講(1), 第三段講(2), 第四段 (3), 第五段總結
⊙ 關鍵5: 每一句話環環相扣
在改學生的作文時, 我常常必須要寫 "why mentioning this here?" "how is this
related to the previous sentence?" "abrupt" "you need another sentence to
connect them" 等comments; 因為原因很簡單, 筆者想到什麼寫什麼, 讀者很難follow.
看看下面這段:(改寫自Thinking, fast and slow一書)
The dominance of conclusions over arguments is more obvious where emotions
are involved. The phenomenon is well-captured by Paul Slovic's work on
"affect heuristic", which refers to that people let their likes and dislikes
determine their beliefs about the world. For instance, your political
preference determines the argument that you find compelling. This phenomenon,
importantly, has tremendous implications for....
Phenomenon 連結前一整句話, For instance再去為Paul Slovic的work舉出詳細例子 (連
接字: for instance, determine), 最後再接回affect heuristic.
一句接一句 沒有任何一句話會被說 "Why is it there?" 能做到這樣的話 文章自然會寫
的很好 讀者也會讀得很舒服!!!!!!
For more free resources please visit www.facebook.com/AlexanderWangEnglish
All Comments

By Daniel
at 2013-04-02T12:51
at 2013-04-02T12:51

By Ingrid
at 2013-04-02T14:01
at 2013-04-02T14:01

By Regina
at 2013-04-04T11:43
at 2013-04-04T11:43

By Necoo
at 2013-04-07T17:48
at 2013-04-07T17:48
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