手錶請準備 進來即開始 12/19 - 英檢

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-12-20T19:03

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※ 引述《topractise (John)》之銘言:
: When going to vacation, do you prefer to have outdoor activity or indoor
: activity? Include details and examples to support your explanation.
: -----countdown----15 seconds-----
: Check the time by yourself.
: And answer the question in 45 seconds.
: Start
(板友想匿名 我代po 以下~)

As for me, if I am going to vacation, I prefer to have indoor activity.
That's because I like to go to watch movies in a movie theater,
and that's my favorite activity.

The main reason is I am a movie director, so watching another people's work
can give me inspiration for my own movie, also can relaxing me. In the other
hand, my cute girl friend, Nancy, she is also a movie-mania. So you know.
That's wonderful. On the weekend, Usually Nancy and I go to a movie theater
and sit down there, eating popcorn, drinking Cola, and enjoying the story.
After that, we may go to a coffee shop to discuss the plots in that movie,
or talk anything else. I think that's a perfect weekend.
(25 seconds)

Oh~ another reason why I prefer outdoor activity is that~
(5 seconds)

我是John 學派的..

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-12-23T12:18
把口說內容打出來也可以練作文打字 希望大家多多參加!


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-12-20T16:01
請問1130同志們 寫這題是翻譯成 and#34;很少快樂and#34;的人 拿到幾分? 我拿到 21 不知道該偷笑說題目寫錯還可以拿到這分數嗎?... ※ 引述《Anlorus ()》之銘言: : 想請問一題作文題目: : People who do not work because the hav ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-12-20T14:52
我也和你的情況差不多.. 我閱讀也很糟糕.. 第一次 R 19 第二次 R 16 這次 R 23 這一次主要是加強在Barronand#39;s 上面.. 去看的懂文章是啥.. 有點像在念GMAT的RC 你的聽力夭壽好..所以閱讀應該不會差到哪邊去.. 不要放棄阿.. 我也還要再考一次.. 這次主 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-12-20T14:44
考第二次了 我的標準並沒有高到哪去 有個八十五 我就很感激了 可是分數出來 真讓我百思不解 R 11 L 28 S 20 W 18 我根本就是狂讀閱讀 練口說 根本完全沒管聽力 為什麼會是這種結果 第一次考的時候 R10 L21 S20 W18 等於是除了聽力其他的都沒進步 我想請問版上的各位高手們 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-12-20T14:39
從準備TOEFL開始, 就一直在這個版潛水, 也得到許多相當實用的建議, 在考11/30T之前, 就想說等考完成績出來後, 一定要上來po心得, 無奈的是今天知道成績後, 讓我足足悶的一個下午...XD 先po我的成績好了... R:26 L:26 S:20 W:21 = 93 是一個不算好, 可是也足以申請 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-12-20T14:38
abruptly = suddenly absorb=take in access=reach accessible=easy to reach accomplished完成的,熟練的=skilled, account敘述,故事=description acknowledge = recognize actu ...