戴爾美語練功坊 托福閱讀(12/10) - 英檢

By Connor
at 2013-12-11T14:23
at 2013-12-11T14:23
Table of Contents
戴爾美語練功坊 托福閱讀(12/10)
TOEFL Reading
之最大挑戰。TOEFL iBT 閱讀中常出現之字詞彙會以不同字詞性在
文章中出現; 此外, 有時該詞彙在文中之解釋為較偏狹之意義,
僅管如此, 於回答該詞彙題型為能透過上下文(context)
精準理解其該詞彙於篇章之意義, 其對於語言情境的掌握則更顯重要。
(1) 艱難詞彙或生澀詞彙:
應試時可利用上下文(context), 以密切探索具體意義, 並透過其餘的
選項逐一與篇章內容配對來篩選, 以便來推斷或猜測之意義。
例如, 可運用平時所累積的
有些艱難詞彙通常後會以括弧( ) (parenthesis / bracket),
破折號 - (dash), 或逗號 (comma)來呈現 。
因此, 其後面所銜接的句子或詞語即是為該字意義進行解釋說明。
另外, 利用實例以判斷某個字詞之含義, 於該字後利用實例加以闡釋。
(2) 簡單詞彙:
測驗之詞彙可能為一字多義, 配合該篇章有另一層意涵及其用法。
故此時, 精確的判斷該字於段落所表示的意義就不可忽視。
例如, 在TOEFL 文章suggest多指" 暗示" , 等同於 hint 。
property 多指 " 特性" , 等同於 characteristic 。
discipline 亦表示 " 學科", 等同於 subject 。
minute 亦可意指 " 微小的" , 等同於 tiny ; diminutive 。
(3) 片語:
或為可採用synonym (同義字) , antonym (反義字)之關係進行解讀。
→ The word/ phrase …in the passage is closest in meaning to
→ The word/ phrase … in the passage refers to
→ The word / phrase … in the passage could best be replaced
by which of the flowing?
→ In the Neolithic period, starting around 10,000 years ago, perhaps
the most important economic evolution in human history occurred
--- the commencement of agriculture and the domestication of animals for
human consumption. From this point in time, people could start to rely
on a more consistent and much increased food supply.
As a corollary of this, considerably larger populations could be supported
and people could settle in one place without the need to migrate in search
of food supplies. Equally important, the surpluses of crops and animals
meant that not all the population needed to dedicate their time and energy
to farming; some could now learn specialized skills such as crafts or trade.
The building of permanent settlements where skills could be developed
brought about the conditions necessary for the first growth of towns.
But several thousands years elapsed between the beginnings of agriculture
and the rise of what we call civilization about 6,000 years ago.
(1) The word " corollary " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) fatigue
(B) result
(C) patience
(D) impact
Ans: (B)
→ 本題為單字/ 詞彙考題, 從前後文(context) 得知因人類文明的發展
進而促使其農業種植及馴養為取得肉類來源之動物, 也因此得以使得
In the past oysters were raised in much the same way as dirt farmers
raised tomatoes - by transplanting them. First, farmers selected the oyster
bed, cleared the bottom of old shells and other debris, then scattered clean
shells about. Next, they " planted " fertilized oyster eggs, which within two
or three weeks hatched into larvae. The larvae drifted until they attached
themselves to the clean shells on the bottom. There they remained and in
time grew into baby oysters called seed or spat. The spat grew larger by
drawing in seawater from which they derived diminutive particles of food.
Before long, farmers gathered the baby oysters, transplanted them in other
waters to speed up their growth, and then transplanted them once more into
another body of water to fatten them up.
Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed
were more than enough to satisfy people's needs. But today the palatable
seafood is no longer available in abundance. The problem has become so
serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely.
(2) The word " diminutive " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) microscopic
(B) obvious
(C) isolated
(D) artificial
Ans: (A)
→ 從文意判斷出oyster 之 spat 靠著汲取海水以獲得其中之微小粒子
食物俾利生長。 故可瞭解diminutive = microscopic。
(3) The word " vanished " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) expanded
(B) admired
(C) traced
(D) disappeared
Ans: (D)
→ 本題為單字/ 詞彙考題, 從前後文(context) ---
But today the palatable seafood is no longer available in abundance.
得知oyster已無法再大量供應, 故而可推斷此字 vanished
最佳解釋為 "消失", disappeared 。
TOEFL Reading
之最大挑戰。TOEFL iBT 閱讀中常出現之字詞彙會以不同字詞性在
文章中出現; 此外, 有時該詞彙在文中之解釋為較偏狹之意義,
僅管如此, 於回答該詞彙題型為能透過上下文(context)
精準理解其該詞彙於篇章之意義, 其對於語言情境的掌握則更顯重要。
(1) 艱難詞彙或生澀詞彙:
應試時可利用上下文(context), 以密切探索具體意義, 並透過其餘的
選項逐一與篇章內容配對來篩選, 以便來推斷或猜測之意義。
例如, 可運用平時所累積的
有些艱難詞彙通常後會以括弧( ) (parenthesis / bracket),
破折號 - (dash), 或逗號 (comma)來呈現 。
因此, 其後面所銜接的句子或詞語即是為該字意義進行解釋說明。
另外, 利用實例以判斷某個字詞之含義, 於該字後利用實例加以闡釋。
(2) 簡單詞彙:
測驗之詞彙可能為一字多義, 配合該篇章有另一層意涵及其用法。
故此時, 精確的判斷該字於段落所表示的意義就不可忽視。
例如, 在TOEFL 文章suggest多指" 暗示" , 等同於 hint 。
property 多指 " 特性" , 等同於 characteristic 。
discipline 亦表示 " 學科", 等同於 subject 。
minute 亦可意指 " 微小的" , 等同於 tiny ; diminutive 。
(3) 片語:
或為可採用synonym (同義字) , antonym (反義字)之關係進行解讀。
→ The word/ phrase …in the passage is closest in meaning to
→ The word/ phrase … in the passage refers to
→ The word / phrase … in the passage could best be replaced
by which of the flowing?
→ In the Neolithic period, starting around 10,000 years ago, perhaps
the most important economic evolution in human history occurred
--- the commencement of agriculture and the domestication of animals for
human consumption. From this point in time, people could start to rely
on a more consistent and much increased food supply.
As a corollary of this, considerably larger populations could be supported
and people could settle in one place without the need to migrate in search
of food supplies. Equally important, the surpluses of crops and animals
meant that not all the population needed to dedicate their time and energy
to farming; some could now learn specialized skills such as crafts or trade.
The building of permanent settlements where skills could be developed
brought about the conditions necessary for the first growth of towns.
But several thousands years elapsed between the beginnings of agriculture
and the rise of what we call civilization about 6,000 years ago.
(1) The word " corollary " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) fatigue
(B) result
(C) patience
(D) impact
Ans: (B)
→ 本題為單字/ 詞彙考題, 從前後文(context) 得知因人類文明的發展
進而促使其農業種植及馴養為取得肉類來源之動物, 也因此得以使得
In the past oysters were raised in much the same way as dirt farmers
raised tomatoes - by transplanting them. First, farmers selected the oyster
bed, cleared the bottom of old shells and other debris, then scattered clean
shells about. Next, they " planted " fertilized oyster eggs, which within two
or three weeks hatched into larvae. The larvae drifted until they attached
themselves to the clean shells on the bottom. There they remained and in
time grew into baby oysters called seed or spat. The spat grew larger by
drawing in seawater from which they derived diminutive particles of food.
Before long, farmers gathered the baby oysters, transplanted them in other
waters to speed up their growth, and then transplanted them once more into
another body of water to fatten them up.
Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed
were more than enough to satisfy people's needs. But today the palatable
seafood is no longer available in abundance. The problem has become so
serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely.
(2) The word " diminutive " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) microscopic
(B) obvious
(C) isolated
(D) artificial
Ans: (A)
→ 從文意判斷出oyster 之 spat 靠著汲取海水以獲得其中之微小粒子
食物俾利生長。 故可瞭解diminutive = microscopic。
(3) The word " vanished " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) expanded
(B) admired
(C) traced
(D) disappeared
Ans: (D)
→ 本題為單字/ 詞彙考題, 從前後文(context) ---
But today the palatable seafood is no longer available in abundance.
得知oyster已無法再大量供應, 故而可推斷此字 vanished
最佳解釋為 "消失", disappeared 。
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