戴爾美語練功坊 托福閱讀(11/30) - 英檢

By Olive
at 2013-12-03T15:38
at 2013-12-03T15:38
Table of Contents
戴爾美語練功坊 托福閱讀(11/30)
TOEFL Reading
Bird Migration
The phenomenon of seasonal bird migration has been known about
for thousands of years, but it is still not fully understood by scientists.
Not all birds migrate, but generally speaking the more northerly the
breeding ground, the more likely is it that a species will migrate south
for the winter. The main reason for this annual shifting of residence is
that during the northern winter food becomes scarce and the cold
temperatures make survival difficult. Some species are well adapted to
these harsh conditions, but for those that aren't, moving south to warmer
conditions is advantageous.
Changes in the weather can trigger the start of the journey south,
although birds in the Northern Hemisphere seem to know when it is time
to migrate south before the winter. In some species at least, the changes
in the length of the day cause glands in the birds' bodies to secrete
hormones that produce other changes, which ready the birds for the long
flight south. At this time fat starts to accumulate under the skin, and this
provides a store of energy for the long flight when they will be expending
more calories flying than they can obtain during their brief rest stops.
In fact, bird-migration patterns are more complex than the simple
pattern implied above. Birds that breed in the Southern Hemisphere
migrate north to wintering grounds. Other birds travel on an
approximately east-west path since milder climates can often be found in
coastal areas of continental regions. Some birds find conditions more
suitable at lower altitudes in a mountainous region and so migrate to
lower levels in winter.
Perhaps the most mysterious and as yet totally understood aspect of
bird migration is how birds can navigate such long distances and arrive
so precisely at their destination. Various possibilities exist.
(A)■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic
features of their route. (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method
could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips
across whole continents. (C)■ Another possible explanation is that
some birds may use magnetic fields. (D)■ Scientists have actually detected
tiny crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing
pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.
A further possibility is that birds can detect the polarization patterns
in sunlight. Some light waves from the sun are absorbed in the atmosphere,
and some pass through. The resulting pattern of light waves forms a large
bowtie-shaped image in the sky. The image has fuzzy ends and is
sometimes known as Haidinger's brush after the discoverer of the effect.
The image is oriented in a north and south direction and is visible at sunset.
Although birds may not see this shape, they can discern gradations of
polarization, which give them a kind of compass for determining directions.
Scientists believe that some birds navigate by use of star positions;
this has been established with at least one species. In a series of studies,
caged birds were subjected to the projection of the nighttime Northern
Hemisphere inside a planetarium. All stars rotate around the Polaris,
the pole star, and this movement seemed to give the birds the information
they needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction. However,
some recent research contradicts this. Perhaps it is not the lack of
movement of the pole star but rather the constellation patterns that guide
them. It has also been found that when fewer stars were visible on the
planetarium ceiling, the birds' sense of direction became poorer.
And this, too, implies that the general star pattern does have some bearing
on orientation.
The current state of research suggests that all of the above-mentioned
methods probably have an influence on bird migration. Different species
use one, some, or even all methods at different times and in various situations.
1. In paragraph 1, it is understood that some birds don't migrate south
in the winter because they
(A) already live in warmer conditions.
(B) are suited to the difficult conditions.
(C) have difficulty surviving the frigid temperatures.
(D) live in areas that have an abundant food supply.
Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow (→)
2. According to paragraph 2, what are the results of changes in the weather?
(A) The change in the length of the day.
(B) The secretion of hormones by the birds.
(C) The expenditure of calories.
(D) The onset of migration.
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow (→)
3. The word " accumulate " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) build up
(B) give out
(C) break up
(D) cut down
4. All of the bird migration patterns are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT
(A) the migration north from the Southern Hemisphere
(B) the migration east or west toward milder climates
(C) the migration from east to west towards hotter climates
(D) the migration from mountainous regions to lower altitudes
5. The word " precisely " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) utterly
(B) exactly
(C) decisively
(D) remarkably
6. It can be inferred that polarization patterns
(A) absorb sunlight
(B) are tied in the center
(C) are invisible at night
(D) cause a magnetic force
7. Why does the author mention Haidinger's brush?
(A) To describe the pattern
(B) To understand the phenomenon
(C) To explain what birds see
(D) To define the fuzzy ends
8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the
meaning or leave out essential information. All stars rotate around the
Polaris, the pole star, and this movement seemed to give the birds the
information they needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction.
(A) Birds needing to orientate themselves in the right direction seemed
to use the information they got from the stars that rotate around Polaris.
(B) The pole star seemed to be used by birds to get the information they
needed because they were able to orientate themselves using the star's
rotation in the correct direction.
(C) Birds needing to correct the Polaris direction in which to orientate
themselves seemed to use the fact that all stars rotate.
(D) The stars rotating in the correct direction around the pole star is what
seemed to give the birds the information they needed for orientating
themselves to Polaris.
9. Look at the four squares [(A) ■ (B)■ (C)■ (D)■] that indicate where
the following sentence could be added to the passage. Circle the letter
that shows the point where you would insert this sentence. Over short
distances the birds could recognize particular landscapes such as river
valleys and shapes of hills. Where would the sentence best fit?
Click on a square (■) to add the sentence to the passage.
10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage
is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE
answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.
Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.
Write the letters of the answer choices in the spaces where they belong.
Refer to the full passage.
Scientists have proposed several methods that birds use for orientating
themselves during their seasonal migrations.
Answer Choices:
(A) Birds not only migrate north or south depending on which hemisphere
they live in, but they also migrate along coastal regions or in and out of
mountainous areas.
(B) Birds' ability to detect gradations of polarization patterns in sunlight
could give them a way for determining directions.
(C) Changes in both the weather and the length of day can cause the birds'
bodies to make physical changes to prepare them for the long flights.
(D) The principal reason for birds to migrate is that most bird species are
not adapted to the harsh winter conditions and the scarcity of food during
that season.
(E) The star patterns and the way the stars rotate around the fixed position
of the pole star could give birds the direction in which to navigate.
(F) Birds may use their knowledge of the features of the landscape,
although this seems unlikely given the distances that birds migrate.
Translation (譯文)
季節性候鳥遷徙之現象據得知已有大約數千年的歷史了, 不過此
種遷徙對於科學家而言仍舊無法全然被理解. 並非所有的鳥都進行
遷徙活動; 然而, 一般而言,鳥類繁殖棲息地位於越北方, 則該種鳥類
越有可能往南遷移過冬. 對於棲息處年度的遷移主要原因乃因冬季時
北方食物變得缺乏, 且寒冷的氣候使得生存益加困難. 僅管如此,
有些的鳥類卻可在這些嚴酷的條件下適應良好, 但是至於那些無法
適應者, 南遷至溫暖的地區對其是有利的.
但是氣候之變化才會引發往南遷移旅途的開始. 至少在某些鳥類中,
賀爾蒙, 這些賀爾蒙將為鳥類的長途的往南遷移做準備. 在此時,
鳥類皮膚下的脂肪開始累積, 因為當它們在飛行期間所消耗的熱量
卡路里比它們在短暫停留休息所獲得的多, 而這些脂肪將被蓄積儲存
事實上, 鳥類的遷移遠比上述簡單的模式更複雜得多. 繁殖生長於
南半球的鳥類往北遷移至過冬之棲息處. 因為大陸地區的海岸區通常
氣候較溫和, 所以其他鳥類就採行大約是東到西的旅行路徑. 有些
鳥類發現在多山地的低緯度地區更合適, 因此在冬季時就遷徙至較
飛行於如此長的距離而且仍可以精確地到達其目的地. 各種的可能性
都存在著. 最明顯的解釋是它們獲悉它們在飛行的路徑中的地形特徵.
然而, 運用此種方式於穿越過廣闊的海洋和大陸似乎是不可能的.
另一個可能的解釋則是一些鳥類可能藉助磁場. 事實上, 科學家可以
在某些鳥類的嗅覺器官上偵測到磁鐵礦的微小晶體, 家庭所飼養的
有些來自太陽的光波在大氣中被吸收, 而有些則會穿透過. 在此間
光波的模式在空中形成一個大型的蝴蝶結狀之圖樣. 這個圖像的尾端
呈現出絨毛狀, 其因這是由海德爾所發現的現象, 故而取其名-即是
著名的海德爾刷子. 此圖像乃呈現出南北走向, 而且在日落時可看見.
雖然鳥類無法察看見此形狀, 然而它們得以辨認極化的次序等級,
於是這個就給予鳥類一種如同羅盤般之輔助, 俾使其得以決定飛行方向.
已建立至少有一個種類的鳥是如此. 在一連串的研究中, 籠中鳥在
地球內的易受到由北半球夜間投射所影響. 所有星星皆是環繞著的
北極星在進行運轉, 而這個運動似乎提供予鳥類在飛行中定位正確
方向之資訊. 然而, 最近某些研究卻駁斥如此之論點. 或許它不是
藉由北極星之運轉, 而是星座的模式導引它們. 更進一步發現,
當天空中出現較少之星星時, 鳥類的方向感則較差. 由於如此,
目前此項研究的狀況顯示, 所有上述的方法可能對於鳥類的遷移
皆有其影響. 不同鳥的種類使用單一種, 某些, 或在不同的時間或
1. phenomenon (n.)現象phenomena (複數)
2. migrate(v.)遷移 ; 移居 migration (n.) migratory bird = migrant 候鳥
3. breed (v.)繁殖 = reproduce ; proliferate ; multiply ; propagate
飼養 = raise ; rear ; foster ; nurture
4. annual (adj.)每年的 = yearly
5. residence (n.)居住地 = dwelling ; inhabitation
6. scarce (adj.)缺乏的 ; 不足的
= meager ; sparse ; scanty ; skimpy ; insufficient ; inadequate
7. survival (n.)存活= existence ; subsistence
8. adapt (v.)適應 = adjust ; accommodate ; orient
→ adapt / adjust / accommodate oneself to ….
9. harsh (adj.) 嚴厲的 ; 嚴酷的
= inclement ; austere ; stringent ; stern ; rigid ; rigorous
10. advantageous (adj.)有利的= beneficial ; profitable ; lucrative ; auspicious
11. trigger (v.)引發= spark off ; touch off
12. gland (n.)腺
13. secrete (v.)分泌= excrete ; ooze ; exude
14. hormone (n.)賀爾蒙
15. accumulate (v.)累積= amass ; assemble ; gather ; pile ; hoard
16. brief (adj.)短暫的
= momentary; temporary ; transient ; transitory ; ephemeral ; fleeting
17. complex (adj.)複雜的= complicated ; intricate ; sophisticated ; elaborate
18. imply (v.)暗示= hint ; suggest ; implicate ; insinuate ; allude to
19. suitable (adj.)適合的= appropriate ; proper ; fitting ; pertinent ; apposite
20. altitude (n.)緯度longitude經度
21. mysterious (adj.)神秘的= occult ; cryptic ; arcane ; secret ; esoteric
22. aspect (n.)方面= respect ; facet ; phase
23. navigate (v.)航行= voyage
24. precisely (adv.)精確地 = accurately ; rigidly ; rigorously ; exactly
25. obvious (adj.)明顯的= apparent ; manifest ; evident ; palpable ;
patent ; salient ; pronounced ; striking ; conspicuous
27. topography (n.)地形= terrain topographic (adj.)地形的
28. stretch (n.)伸展 ; 範圍 ; 廣大一片 = extent ; expanse
29. magnetic field (n.)磁場
30. tiny (adj.)微小的
= minute ; diminutive ; microscopic ; miniscule ; minuscule ; infinitesimal
31. crystal (n.)水晶體
32. magnetite (n.)磁鐵礦
33. olfactory (adj.)嗅覺的
34. tract (n.)廣闊面積; 區域 = extent ; expanse
35. pigeon (n.)鴿子= dove
36. feasible (adj.)可行的 ; 可能的 = viable ; possible ; potential
37. polarization (n.)極化 ; 偏級
38. fuzzy (adj.)毛絨狀的= fluffy ; downy
39. orient (v.) 定位 ; 朝向 ; 趨向
40. visible (adj.)可看見的
41. gradation (n.)次序 ; 等級
42. compass (n.) 羅盤 ; 指南針
43. cage (v.) 關在籠子 (n.) 籠子
44. planetarium (n.) 天文館 ; 星座館
45. rotate (v.) 旋轉 = revolve ; spin
46. Polaris (n.) 北極星 = the polar star
47. contradict (v.) 駁斥 ; 否認
= contravene ; rebut ; refute ; confute ; repudiate ; dispute
48. constellation (n.) 星座
49. ceiling (n.)天頂 ; 天花板
50. bearing (n.)關係
→ have a bearing on …..
TOEFL Reading: 閱讀作答之要領 (1) 審視題幹
→ (2) 搜尋核心關鍵字詞 (key
words) → (3)原文定位 (positioning /locating) → (4) 判讀分析.
1. 答案: B
解析:根據題意, 為何一些鳥類不須南遷過冬. 關鍵字詞即為
don't migrate south, 定位於第一段,Some species are well adapted to
these harsh conditions, but for those that aren't, moving south to warmer
conditions is advantageous. 判讀選擇B.
2. 答案: D
解析:根據題意, 一旦氣候變化將產生何種結果.關鍵字詞即為changes /
weather , 定位於第二段, Changes in the weather can trigger the start
of the journey south . 判讀選擇D.
3. 答案: A
解析: accumulate (v.) 累積
(A) build up 增加/加強 (B) give out 分配 (C) break up 擊碎/
解體 (D) cut down 減少/ 減低/ 砍倒
4. 答案: C
解析:根據題意, 關於鳥類遷移之模式何者除外. 關鍵字詞
即為bird migration patterns, 定位於第三段, bird-migration patterns
are more complex than the simple pattern implied above. Birds that
breed in the Southern
Hemisphere migrate north to wintering grounds. Other birds travel on
an approximately east-west path since milder climates can often be
found in coastal areas of continental regions. Some birds find
conditions more suitable at lower altitudes in a mountainous region and
so migrate to lower levels in winter.
原文並未提及該訊息, 判讀選擇C.
5. 答案: B
解析: precisely (adv.) 精確地/ 準確地
(A)utterly全然地(B) exactly精確地
(C) decisively決定性地(D) remarkably明顯地
6. 答案: C
解析: infer (推論)/ imply(暗示)此類題型其答案並非直接顯示於文章中,
根據題意, 極化作用之模式可推論為何者?關鍵字詞即為
polarization patterns .定位於第五段,A further possibility is that birds can
detect the polarization patterns in sunlight. Some light waves from the
sun are absorbed in the atmosphere, and some pass through.
該極化現象須在陽光下作用, 故而在夜間鳥類無法偵察到,判讀選擇C.
7. 答案: A
解析:此題在測驗 rhetorical purpose (修辭目的)之技巧.
根據題意, 作者為何提及 Haidinger's brush?
關鍵字詞即為Haidinger's brush.
定位於第五段, The resulting pattern of light waves forms a large
bowtie-shaped image in the sky. The image has fuzzy ends and is
sometimes known as Haidinger's brush after the discoverer of the effect. The image is oriented in a north and south direction and is visible at sunset. 句意解釋由極化作用
在天空產生之圖像模樣. 判讀選擇A .
8. 答案: A
解析:此題目的為測驗 paraphrase (釋義改寫)之技巧. 根據題意,
All stars rotate around the Polaris, the pole star, and this
movement seemed to give the birds the information they
needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction.
所有星體皆是環繞著的北極星進行運轉, 而如此之運動模式似乎
9. 答案: B
解析:此題在測驗 sentence insertion (插入句)之技巧. 利用技巧要領為:
(1).succession 承接 (2) transition 轉折 (3) pronoun 代名詞.
根據題意, Over short distances the birds could recognize particular
landscapes such as river valleys and shapes of hills.
該插入句提及地形地物之論述, 並加以舉證.
(A) ■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic
features of their route. (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method
could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips across
whole continents. (C)■ Another possible explanation is that some birds
may use magnetic fields. (D)■ Scientists have actually detected tiny
crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing
pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.
正確位置為 B, 前面談到 topographic (地形的), 其後旋及轉折
10. 答案: B / E /F
解析:此題在測驗 prose summary (摘要題)之技巧.
本試題乃須從選項中挑選出全篇章之主旨摘要, 提示引導句
(introductory sentence)中敘述了 " 科學家們提議多種關於鳥類在
遷徙過程中定位之方法" 。文章與引導句主軸皆著眼於鳥類遷徙
之方法模式, 故而選項亦該聚焦於此.
(A)鳥類能在陽光下察覺極化現象之模式提供它們定位之方法. (不正確).
(E)星位及環繞北極星之星體給予鳥類飛行定位之引導. (不正確.)
(F)雖說在長距離遷移飛行中不太可能, 然而鳥類卻可以利用它們
對於地形景象之知識進行定位. (不正確.)
TOEFL Reading
Bird Migration
The phenomenon of seasonal bird migration has been known about
for thousands of years, but it is still not fully understood by scientists.
Not all birds migrate, but generally speaking the more northerly the
breeding ground, the more likely is it that a species will migrate south
for the winter. The main reason for this annual shifting of residence is
that during the northern winter food becomes scarce and the cold
temperatures make survival difficult. Some species are well adapted to
these harsh conditions, but for those that aren't, moving south to warmer
conditions is advantageous.
Changes in the weather can trigger the start of the journey south,
although birds in the Northern Hemisphere seem to know when it is time
to migrate south before the winter. In some species at least, the changes
in the length of the day cause glands in the birds' bodies to secrete
hormones that produce other changes, which ready the birds for the long
flight south. At this time fat starts to accumulate under the skin, and this
provides a store of energy for the long flight when they will be expending
more calories flying than they can obtain during their brief rest stops.
In fact, bird-migration patterns are more complex than the simple
pattern implied above. Birds that breed in the Southern Hemisphere
migrate north to wintering grounds. Other birds travel on an
approximately east-west path since milder climates can often be found in
coastal areas of continental regions. Some birds find conditions more
suitable at lower altitudes in a mountainous region and so migrate to
lower levels in winter.
Perhaps the most mysterious and as yet totally understood aspect of
bird migration is how birds can navigate such long distances and arrive
so precisely at their destination. Various possibilities exist.
(A)■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic
features of their route. (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method
could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips
across whole continents. (C)■ Another possible explanation is that
some birds may use magnetic fields. (D)■ Scientists have actually detected
tiny crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing
pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.
A further possibility is that birds can detect the polarization patterns
in sunlight. Some light waves from the sun are absorbed in the atmosphere,
and some pass through. The resulting pattern of light waves forms a large
bowtie-shaped image in the sky. The image has fuzzy ends and is
sometimes known as Haidinger's brush after the discoverer of the effect.
The image is oriented in a north and south direction and is visible at sunset.
Although birds may not see this shape, they can discern gradations of
polarization, which give them a kind of compass for determining directions.
Scientists believe that some birds navigate by use of star positions;
this has been established with at least one species. In a series of studies,
caged birds were subjected to the projection of the nighttime Northern
Hemisphere inside a planetarium. All stars rotate around the Polaris,
the pole star, and this movement seemed to give the birds the information
they needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction. However,
some recent research contradicts this. Perhaps it is not the lack of
movement of the pole star but rather the constellation patterns that guide
them. It has also been found that when fewer stars were visible on the
planetarium ceiling, the birds' sense of direction became poorer.
And this, too, implies that the general star pattern does have some bearing
on orientation.
The current state of research suggests that all of the above-mentioned
methods probably have an influence on bird migration. Different species
use one, some, or even all methods at different times and in various situations.
1. In paragraph 1, it is understood that some birds don't migrate south
in the winter because they
(A) already live in warmer conditions.
(B) are suited to the difficult conditions.
(C) have difficulty surviving the frigid temperatures.
(D) live in areas that have an abundant food supply.
Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow (→)
2. According to paragraph 2, what are the results of changes in the weather?
(A) The change in the length of the day.
(B) The secretion of hormones by the birds.
(C) The expenditure of calories.
(D) The onset of migration.
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow (→)
3. The word " accumulate " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) build up
(B) give out
(C) break up
(D) cut down
4. All of the bird migration patterns are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT
(A) the migration north from the Southern Hemisphere
(B) the migration east or west toward milder climates
(C) the migration from east to west towards hotter climates
(D) the migration from mountainous regions to lower altitudes
5. The word " precisely " in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) utterly
(B) exactly
(C) decisively
(D) remarkably
6. It can be inferred that polarization patterns
(A) absorb sunlight
(B) are tied in the center
(C) are invisible at night
(D) cause a magnetic force
7. Why does the author mention Haidinger's brush?
(A) To describe the pattern
(B) To understand the phenomenon
(C) To explain what birds see
(D) To define the fuzzy ends
8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the
meaning or leave out essential information. All stars rotate around the
Polaris, the pole star, and this movement seemed to give the birds the
information they needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction.
(A) Birds needing to orientate themselves in the right direction seemed
to use the information they got from the stars that rotate around Polaris.
(B) The pole star seemed to be used by birds to get the information they
needed because they were able to orientate themselves using the star's
rotation in the correct direction.
(C) Birds needing to correct the Polaris direction in which to orientate
themselves seemed to use the fact that all stars rotate.
(D) The stars rotating in the correct direction around the pole star is what
seemed to give the birds the information they needed for orientating
themselves to Polaris.
9. Look at the four squares [(A) ■ (B)■ (C)■ (D)■] that indicate where
the following sentence could be added to the passage. Circle the letter
that shows the point where you would insert this sentence. Over short
distances the birds could recognize particular landscapes such as river
valleys and shapes of hills. Where would the sentence best fit?
Click on a square (■) to add the sentence to the passage.
10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage
is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE
answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.
Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.
Write the letters of the answer choices in the spaces where they belong.
Refer to the full passage.
Scientists have proposed several methods that birds use for orientating
themselves during their seasonal migrations.
Answer Choices:
(A) Birds not only migrate north or south depending on which hemisphere
they live in, but they also migrate along coastal regions or in and out of
mountainous areas.
(B) Birds' ability to detect gradations of polarization patterns in sunlight
could give them a way for determining directions.
(C) Changes in both the weather and the length of day can cause the birds'
bodies to make physical changes to prepare them for the long flights.
(D) The principal reason for birds to migrate is that most bird species are
not adapted to the harsh winter conditions and the scarcity of food during
that season.
(E) The star patterns and the way the stars rotate around the fixed position
of the pole star could give birds the direction in which to navigate.
(F) Birds may use their knowledge of the features of the landscape,
although this seems unlikely given the distances that birds migrate.
Translation (譯文)
季節性候鳥遷徙之現象據得知已有大約數千年的歷史了, 不過此
種遷徙對於科學家而言仍舊無法全然被理解. 並非所有的鳥都進行
遷徙活動; 然而, 一般而言,鳥類繁殖棲息地位於越北方, 則該種鳥類
越有可能往南遷移過冬. 對於棲息處年度的遷移主要原因乃因冬季時
北方食物變得缺乏, 且寒冷的氣候使得生存益加困難. 僅管如此,
有些的鳥類卻可在這些嚴酷的條件下適應良好, 但是至於那些無法
適應者, 南遷至溫暖的地區對其是有利的.
但是氣候之變化才會引發往南遷移旅途的開始. 至少在某些鳥類中,
賀爾蒙, 這些賀爾蒙將為鳥類的長途的往南遷移做準備. 在此時,
鳥類皮膚下的脂肪開始累積, 因為當它們在飛行期間所消耗的熱量
卡路里比它們在短暫停留休息所獲得的多, 而這些脂肪將被蓄積儲存
事實上, 鳥類的遷移遠比上述簡單的模式更複雜得多. 繁殖生長於
南半球的鳥類往北遷移至過冬之棲息處. 因為大陸地區的海岸區通常
氣候較溫和, 所以其他鳥類就採行大約是東到西的旅行路徑. 有些
鳥類發現在多山地的低緯度地區更合適, 因此在冬季時就遷徙至較
飛行於如此長的距離而且仍可以精確地到達其目的地. 各種的可能性
都存在著. 最明顯的解釋是它們獲悉它們在飛行的路徑中的地形特徵.
然而, 運用此種方式於穿越過廣闊的海洋和大陸似乎是不可能的.
另一個可能的解釋則是一些鳥類可能藉助磁場. 事實上, 科學家可以
在某些鳥類的嗅覺器官上偵測到磁鐵礦的微小晶體, 家庭所飼養的
有些來自太陽的光波在大氣中被吸收, 而有些則會穿透過. 在此間
光波的模式在空中形成一個大型的蝴蝶結狀之圖樣. 這個圖像的尾端
呈現出絨毛狀, 其因這是由海德爾所發現的現象, 故而取其名-即是
著名的海德爾刷子. 此圖像乃呈現出南北走向, 而且在日落時可看見.
雖然鳥類無法察看見此形狀, 然而它們得以辨認極化的次序等級,
於是這個就給予鳥類一種如同羅盤般之輔助, 俾使其得以決定飛行方向.
已建立至少有一個種類的鳥是如此. 在一連串的研究中, 籠中鳥在
地球內的易受到由北半球夜間投射所影響. 所有星星皆是環繞著的
北極星在進行運轉, 而這個運動似乎提供予鳥類在飛行中定位正確
方向之資訊. 然而, 最近某些研究卻駁斥如此之論點. 或許它不是
藉由北極星之運轉, 而是星座的模式導引它們. 更進一步發現,
當天空中出現較少之星星時, 鳥類的方向感則較差. 由於如此,
目前此項研究的狀況顯示, 所有上述的方法可能對於鳥類的遷移
皆有其影響. 不同鳥的種類使用單一種, 某些, 或在不同的時間或
1. phenomenon (n.)現象phenomena (複數)
2. migrate(v.)遷移 ; 移居 migration (n.) migratory bird = migrant 候鳥
3. breed (v.)繁殖 = reproduce ; proliferate ; multiply ; propagate
飼養 = raise ; rear ; foster ; nurture
4. annual (adj.)每年的 = yearly
5. residence (n.)居住地 = dwelling ; inhabitation
6. scarce (adj.)缺乏的 ; 不足的
= meager ; sparse ; scanty ; skimpy ; insufficient ; inadequate
7. survival (n.)存活= existence ; subsistence
8. adapt (v.)適應 = adjust ; accommodate ; orient
→ adapt / adjust / accommodate oneself to ….
9. harsh (adj.) 嚴厲的 ; 嚴酷的
= inclement ; austere ; stringent ; stern ; rigid ; rigorous
10. advantageous (adj.)有利的= beneficial ; profitable ; lucrative ; auspicious
11. trigger (v.)引發= spark off ; touch off
12. gland (n.)腺
13. secrete (v.)分泌= excrete ; ooze ; exude
14. hormone (n.)賀爾蒙
15. accumulate (v.)累積= amass ; assemble ; gather ; pile ; hoard
16. brief (adj.)短暫的
= momentary; temporary ; transient ; transitory ; ephemeral ; fleeting
17. complex (adj.)複雜的= complicated ; intricate ; sophisticated ; elaborate
18. imply (v.)暗示= hint ; suggest ; implicate ; insinuate ; allude to
19. suitable (adj.)適合的= appropriate ; proper ; fitting ; pertinent ; apposite
20. altitude (n.)緯度longitude經度
21. mysterious (adj.)神秘的= occult ; cryptic ; arcane ; secret ; esoteric
22. aspect (n.)方面= respect ; facet ; phase
23. navigate (v.)航行= voyage
24. precisely (adv.)精確地 = accurately ; rigidly ; rigorously ; exactly
25. obvious (adj.)明顯的= apparent ; manifest ; evident ; palpable ;
patent ; salient ; pronounced ; striking ; conspicuous
27. topography (n.)地形= terrain topographic (adj.)地形的
28. stretch (n.)伸展 ; 範圍 ; 廣大一片 = extent ; expanse
29. magnetic field (n.)磁場
30. tiny (adj.)微小的
= minute ; diminutive ; microscopic ; miniscule ; minuscule ; infinitesimal
31. crystal (n.)水晶體
32. magnetite (n.)磁鐵礦
33. olfactory (adj.)嗅覺的
34. tract (n.)廣闊面積; 區域 = extent ; expanse
35. pigeon (n.)鴿子= dove
36. feasible (adj.)可行的 ; 可能的 = viable ; possible ; potential
37. polarization (n.)極化 ; 偏級
38. fuzzy (adj.)毛絨狀的= fluffy ; downy
39. orient (v.) 定位 ; 朝向 ; 趨向
40. visible (adj.)可看見的
41. gradation (n.)次序 ; 等級
42. compass (n.) 羅盤 ; 指南針
43. cage (v.) 關在籠子 (n.) 籠子
44. planetarium (n.) 天文館 ; 星座館
45. rotate (v.) 旋轉 = revolve ; spin
46. Polaris (n.) 北極星 = the polar star
47. contradict (v.) 駁斥 ; 否認
= contravene ; rebut ; refute ; confute ; repudiate ; dispute
48. constellation (n.) 星座
49. ceiling (n.)天頂 ; 天花板
50. bearing (n.)關係
→ have a bearing on …..
TOEFL Reading: 閱讀作答之要領 (1) 審視題幹
→ (2) 搜尋核心關鍵字詞 (key
words) → (3)原文定位 (positioning /locating) → (4) 判讀分析.
1. 答案: B
解析:根據題意, 為何一些鳥類不須南遷過冬. 關鍵字詞即為
don't migrate south, 定位於第一段,Some species are well adapted to
these harsh conditions, but for those that aren't, moving south to warmer
conditions is advantageous. 判讀選擇B.
2. 答案: D
解析:根據題意, 一旦氣候變化將產生何種結果.關鍵字詞即為changes /
weather , 定位於第二段, Changes in the weather can trigger the start
of the journey south . 判讀選擇D.
3. 答案: A
解析: accumulate (v.) 累積
(A) build up 增加/加強 (B) give out 分配 (C) break up 擊碎/
解體 (D) cut down 減少/ 減低/ 砍倒
4. 答案: C
解析:根據題意, 關於鳥類遷移之模式何者除外. 關鍵字詞
即為bird migration patterns, 定位於第三段, bird-migration patterns
are more complex than the simple pattern implied above. Birds that
breed in the Southern
Hemisphere migrate north to wintering grounds. Other birds travel on
an approximately east-west path since milder climates can often be
found in coastal areas of continental regions. Some birds find
conditions more suitable at lower altitudes in a mountainous region and
so migrate to lower levels in winter.
原文並未提及該訊息, 判讀選擇C.
5. 答案: B
解析: precisely (adv.) 精確地/ 準確地
(A)utterly全然地(B) exactly精確地
(C) decisively決定性地(D) remarkably明顯地
6. 答案: C
解析: infer (推論)/ imply(暗示)此類題型其答案並非直接顯示於文章中,
根據題意, 極化作用之模式可推論為何者?關鍵字詞即為
polarization patterns .定位於第五段,A further possibility is that birds can
detect the polarization patterns in sunlight. Some light waves from the
sun are absorbed in the atmosphere, and some pass through.
該極化現象須在陽光下作用, 故而在夜間鳥類無法偵察到,判讀選擇C.
7. 答案: A
解析:此題在測驗 rhetorical purpose (修辭目的)之技巧.
根據題意, 作者為何提及 Haidinger's brush?
關鍵字詞即為Haidinger's brush.
定位於第五段, The resulting pattern of light waves forms a large
bowtie-shaped image in the sky. The image has fuzzy ends and is
sometimes known as Haidinger's brush after the discoverer of the effect. The image is oriented in a north and south direction and is visible at sunset. 句意解釋由極化作用
在天空產生之圖像模樣. 判讀選擇A .
8. 答案: A
解析:此題目的為測驗 paraphrase (釋義改寫)之技巧. 根據題意,
All stars rotate around the Polaris, the pole star, and this
movement seemed to give the birds the information they
needed to orientate themselves in the correct direction.
所有星體皆是環繞著的北極星進行運轉, 而如此之運動模式似乎
9. 答案: B
解析:此題在測驗 sentence insertion (插入句)之技巧. 利用技巧要領為:
(1).succession 承接 (2) transition 轉折 (3) pronoun 代名詞.
根據題意, Over short distances the birds could recognize particular
landscapes such as river valleys and shapes of hills.
該插入句提及地形地物之論述, 並加以舉證.
(A) ■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic
features of their route. (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method
could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips across
whole continents. (C)■ Another possible explanation is that some birds
may use magnetic fields. (D)■ Scientists have actually detected tiny
crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing
pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.
正確位置為 B, 前面談到 topographic (地形的), 其後旋及轉折
10. 答案: B / E /F
解析:此題在測驗 prose summary (摘要題)之技巧.
本試題乃須從選項中挑選出全篇章之主旨摘要, 提示引導句
(introductory sentence)中敘述了 " 科學家們提議多種關於鳥類在
遷徙過程中定位之方法" 。文章與引導句主軸皆著眼於鳥類遷徙
之方法模式, 故而選項亦該聚焦於此.
(A)鳥類能在陽光下察覺極化現象之模式提供它們定位之方法. (不正確).
(E)星位及環繞北極星之星體給予鳥類飛行定位之引導. (不正確.)
(F)雖說在長距離遷移飛行中不太可能, 然而鳥類卻可以利用它們
對於地形景象之知識進行定位. (不正確.)
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