戴爾美語練功坊 托福經典詞彙(9/10日) - 英檢

By Audriana
at 2013-09-10T19:30
at 2013-09-10T19:30
Table of Contents
戴爾美語練功坊 托福經典詞彙(9/10日)
托福經典詞彙 同義字
1. quest n. 追求 = search = pursuit
The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.
2. solicitude n. 關心 = anxious care = concern
I was touched by his solicitude for the old man.
3. symmetry n. 對稱 = balance = equilibrium = harmony = proportion
Bach's music is full of elegance and symmetry.
The policy may disturb the country's economic equilibrium.
Always keep a sense of proportion when you are drawing.
4. timorous adj. 膽怯的 easily frightened = timid = bashful
He is a helpless, timorous creature.
In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and achievement.
5. fickle adj. 多變的 = changeable = variable = capricious
= unpredictable = erratic
The place is noted for its fickle weather.
6. ascend vi. 上升 = rise = go up
vt. 登上 = mount = scale
The road ascends steeply from this place.
He ascended the stairs.
He was the first climber to scale Mount Everest.
7. buffet vt. 擊打 = batter = punch = pummel = thump
The coastline was buffeted by strong winds.
The local economy was buffeted by recession.
8. calamity n. 大災難 = disaster = catastrophe = cataclysm
The earthquake caused a calamity to the area.
9. comprehensive adj. 綜合的 = all-inclusive = all-embracing = complete
He has comprehensive insurance for his car.
It is a fully comprehensive guide to Cambodia.
His theory is an all-embracing study of human society.
10. magnify vt. 放大 = enlarge = amplify
vt. 誇大 = exaggerate = overstate
The telescope magnifies images 11 times.
The report magnifies the severity of the crisis.
11. prolific adj. 多產的 = productive = fertile = fecund
Picasso was a prolific artist.
She has a fertile imagination.
The area is among the most fecund in the world.
12. resilient adj. 易恢復原狀的 = elastic
adj. 易恢復精神的= tough = hardy = irrepressible
A resilient rubber ball springs back into shape very soon.
A resilient person won't stay unhappy for long.
13. scourge n. 鞭子= whip
災禍 = plague = affliction = bane = curse = blight
Inflation was the scourge of the 1970s.
Inflation will remain a recurrent plague.
Her divorce was a great blight on her life.
Noise is the bane/curse of modern city life.
Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.
14. slipshod adj. 隨便的;不用心的= careless = casual = sloppy = slovenly
The project was completed in a slipshod manner.
The factory is filled with sloppy workers.
You have to improve your slovenly habbits.
15. turgid adj. 浮腫的 = swollen
adj. 無趣的 = too serious = boring
He made a long turgid speech.
16. caste n. 種性階級 = class = status = rank
The caste system rules the Indian society.
17. confound vt. 使困惑 = surprise and confuse = perplex = bewilder
His victory in the election confounded all political analysts.
托福經典詞彙 同義字
1. quest n. 追求 = search = pursuit
The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.
2. solicitude n. 關心 = anxious care = concern
I was touched by his solicitude for the old man.
3. symmetry n. 對稱 = balance = equilibrium = harmony = proportion
Bach's music is full of elegance and symmetry.
The policy may disturb the country's economic equilibrium.
Always keep a sense of proportion when you are drawing.
4. timorous adj. 膽怯的 easily frightened = timid = bashful
He is a helpless, timorous creature.
In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and achievement.
5. fickle adj. 多變的 = changeable = variable = capricious
= unpredictable = erratic
The place is noted for its fickle weather.
6. ascend vi. 上升 = rise = go up
vt. 登上 = mount = scale
The road ascends steeply from this place.
He ascended the stairs.
He was the first climber to scale Mount Everest.
7. buffet vt. 擊打 = batter = punch = pummel = thump
The coastline was buffeted by strong winds.
The local economy was buffeted by recession.
8. calamity n. 大災難 = disaster = catastrophe = cataclysm
The earthquake caused a calamity to the area.
9. comprehensive adj. 綜合的 = all-inclusive = all-embracing = complete
He has comprehensive insurance for his car.
It is a fully comprehensive guide to Cambodia.
His theory is an all-embracing study of human society.
10. magnify vt. 放大 = enlarge = amplify
vt. 誇大 = exaggerate = overstate
The telescope magnifies images 11 times.
The report magnifies the severity of the crisis.
11. prolific adj. 多產的 = productive = fertile = fecund
Picasso was a prolific artist.
She has a fertile imagination.
The area is among the most fecund in the world.
12. resilient adj. 易恢復原狀的 = elastic
adj. 易恢復精神的= tough = hardy = irrepressible
A resilient rubber ball springs back into shape very soon.
A resilient person won't stay unhappy for long.
13. scourge n. 鞭子= whip
災禍 = plague = affliction = bane = curse = blight
Inflation was the scourge of the 1970s.
Inflation will remain a recurrent plague.
Her divorce was a great blight on her life.
Noise is the bane/curse of modern city life.
Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.
14. slipshod adj. 隨便的;不用心的= careless = casual = sloppy = slovenly
The project was completed in a slipshod manner.
The factory is filled with sloppy workers.
You have to improve your slovenly habbits.
15. turgid adj. 浮腫的 = swollen
adj. 無趣的 = too serious = boring
He made a long turgid speech.
16. caste n. 種性階級 = class = status = rank
The caste system rules the Indian society.
17. confound vt. 使困惑 = surprise and confuse = perplex = bewilder
His victory in the election confounded all political analysts.
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