戴爾美語托福聽力高分關鍵詞彙 - 英檢

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2015-02-05T20:09

Table of Contents

有了「架構感、方向感、預測性」的聆聽,就能昇華成所謂的"active listening"。




1. 講座(對話)的主旨
e.g. Today, I would like to talk about / discuss / focus on ...
Now let's take a look at ...
I was wondering if ...

2. 解釋專有名詞、定義或概念:
e.g. The concept of ______ is about ...
which means..., which is..., the so-called ______
Let's put it in this way...

3. 結構與分類:
e.g. The concept of ______ can be divided into two aspects.
You should notice that there are three types of ______.

4. 呈現對比:
e.g. 表相同:in the same way / manner, by the same token, similarly
also, at the same time
表相反:in/by contrast, on the contrary, contrarily, conversely
instead of, rather than, while, whereas

5. 因果關係:
e.g. 表原因:because, as, since, due to, as a result of,
come from, result from, is caused/triggered/induced by
The reason is...
表結果:lead to, contribute to, so, therefore, consequently, in the end
The result is...

6. 順序與步驟:
e.g. first, second, next, before, after, then, finally, one, another

7. 強調語氣:
e.g. you have to remember that..., only, indeed, of course,
certainly, especially, it is clear that..., I think/believe that...
important, interesting, special, extraordinary, exceptional, amazing

8. 舉例:
e.g. for example/instance, such as, include, take something like...
Let's see/say...

9. 轉折:
e.g. but, yet, however, although, though, despite, while, whereas,
nevertheless, in fact, actually

10. 建議:
e.g. Why don't you...? How about...? You had better ....
I suggest/recommend...

11. 老師自問自答 (講座題) & 師生問答 (對話題)

12. 結尾:
e.g. in a word, finally, to wrap up, to sum up, all in all
In our next class, we will go on to discuss...

更多訊息請看: http://goo.gl/Owkexz
歡迎加入英文直通車行列: http://goo.gl/pJxJh2

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-02-05T16:53
小女子已經準備托福一個月了, 但閱讀的成績一直在20分以下徘徊, TPO我每篇也都有檢討, 主要是細節題、單字題跟summary 有問題, 想請教各位神人是怎麼突破25的, 我有看大部份的人是看TIME 、CNN, 跪求細節,謝謝。 - ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2015-02-05T12:47
※ 引述《nanabear (熊)》之銘言: : 真是要瘋了....atat : 請問有人跟我一樣, 目前還沒找到退費管道的嗎? : 我寫信給 toeflatets.org 得到的回信, 要求我打去馬來西亞 : 給的電話是 60-3-7628-3333 : 但是現在休息中...(馬來西亞星期一好像是國定假日) ...

104 感謝J2!

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-02-04T19:06
(原po沒帳號,幫代po) 《求學背景》 私立大學 《英文背景》 2013年考過破百 《考試地點》 臺北及人中學 《考試日期》 2014/11 《準備時間》 約一個月 (不含上課時間) 《考試成績》 R24 L28 S24 W28 因為在A2補習而知 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2015-02-04T17:52
考場:北車美加 公館地球村 成績:聽 30 說26 讀27 寫29 總112 以下為心得~ 我必須很丟臉的說,我考了很多次的托福,因為想要上的科系需要很高的分數 所以我得考很多次,這篇文章我不太確定能幫助到的目標族群是誰 但因為我曾經許下如果能考的到我想要的成績我要幫助更多人的想法 所以,我 ...

自己唸3個月 - 97分

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-02-04T16:40
(2014/12 南陽街美加) 小弟不才,只考97沒破百,但還是上來分享一下心得,各位高手先進見笑。 R30 L22 S23 W22 我的亮點大概是Reading跟Speaking吧,就分享這兩科,另外我完全沒有補習、有全職工 作,就是利用下班時間準備這樣,前後時間大概3個月: 【Reading ...