戴爾美語托福TPO解析 - 英檢

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-07-23T16:14

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TOEFL Reading --- Inference 推論暗示題:

Many plants - one or more species of at least 68 different families -
can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms, because they bear
extrafloral nectaries (structures that produce nectar) on stems, leaves,
leaf stems, or other structures. These plants usually occur where ants
are abundant, most in the tropics but some in temperate areas. Among
those of northeastern North America are various plums, cherries, roses,
hawthorns, poplars, and oaks. Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar
consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and,
in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. The extrafloral nectaries
of some plants are known to attract ants and other insects, but the
evolutionary history of most plants with these nectaries is unknown.
Nevertheless, most ecologists believe that all extrafloral nectaries
attract insects that will defend the plant.

Ants are portably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent
defenders of plants. Since the highly active worker ants require a great
deal of energy, plants exploit this need by providing extrafloral nectar
that supplies ants with abundant energy. To return this favor, ants guard
the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might compete
with ants for nectar. Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat
the leaves of the plants.

1. According to paragraph 1, floral nectar and extrafloral nectar are alike
in that
(A) they are likely to be produced by the same plants
(B) they basically consist of the same chemical components
(C) they attract only insects that will defend the plant
(D) they are produced by the same parts of the plant

2. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the ants that are attracted
to the extrafloral nectaries?
(A) They do not eat the leaves of the plants that produce extrafloral nectar.
(B) They live almost entirely on extrafloral nectar.
(C) They spend most of their energy guarding extrafloral nectaries.
(D) They frequently fight among themselves over extrafloral nectar.

精彩答案解析請到: http://www.all-english.com.tw/article_d.php?id=627

Tags: 英檢

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2015-07-23T11:12
7/25(六)14:00~15:30 申請美國大學名校的致勝關鍵(適合申請大學者) 前進美利堅,榮耀進百大,講座中就現今美國大學名校的概況做最詳盡的分析、 並針對最新選校技巧、申請辦法提供最專業建議,成功達陣就來這一場。 即刻線上預約講座席次:http://goo.gl/7wIKbn 美加TOEFL-iBT ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-07-22T22:59
= = 基本資訊: *考試日期:6/27 *考場:文山地球村(大推) *學歷:台中私立明道中學(直升)、政大外交系(今年剛畢業) *過去語言考試: 1. 高二多益875(裸考) 2. 學測英文15級 3. 去年11月雅思6.5(聽讀:7,說6.5,寫:6。 ...

7/29(三) 登峰國外遊學、留學免費講座

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2015-07-22T16:58
登峰國外遊學、留學講座 任紹維老師主講 漫漫的暑假,來場國外遊學充電之旅吧! 透析最新遊學、留學情報,增進英文聽、說、讀、寫的能力,follow英文達人溜英文! 【師資介紹】 任紹維老師 英國布里斯托大學英語教學碩士 TOEFL與IELTS權威名師 【講座資訊】 時間:2015/07/29(三) 18: ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-07-22T12:14
徵北投、士林戰友,八月或九月考 平日晚上,我目前口說:21,想進步到24以上。 會提供JJ題目供大家練習。預計最多四人,口說交叉練習較有效率。 其他非口說練習時間可一起看書,分享準備材料。 意者請站內信給我。 謝謝 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2015-07-22T02:42
7/12托福成績可以上網查了 祝各位考到心裡理想的成績!! - ...