戴爾美語Kelvin吳老師托福閱讀解題分享 - 英檢

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2015-01-13T18:14

Table of Contents

如何快速解讀 TOEFL Reading 事實細節題:
基本上, TOEFL 閱讀之事實細節(Factual Detail Information)題型,
作答原則務必先審視題幹之敘述, 搜索出關鍵字詞, 原文定位, 再進行

Geographic isolation also can proceed slowly, over great spans of time.
We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which
affords glimpses into the breakup of formerly continuous environments.
For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North
America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one
another. When the glaciers retreated, the separated populations of
plants and animals came into contact again. Some groups that had
descended from the same parent population were no longer
reproductively compatible- they had evolved into separate species.In
other groups, however, genetic divergences had not proceeded so far, and
the descendants could still interbreed- for them, reproductive isolation
was not completed, and so speciation had not occurred.

1. According to this paragraph, separation of subpopulations by glaciers
resulted in speciation in those groups of plants and animals that
(A) were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared
(B) had adjusted to the old conditions caused by the glaciers
(C) were able to survive being separated from their parent population
(D) had experienced some genetic divergences from their parent

根據段落, 由冰河所形成次級種群 (subpopulation)之分隔導致在動植物群落
中之物種形成(speciation) 為何
關鍵字詞--- glaciers / plants and animals speciation
原文定位--- 段落第三句出現 glaciers , 整句句首for example概為前
句之例證---因此閱讀前一句訊息 the breakup of formerly continuous
environments (冰河時期冰河造成環境之分隔); 其次再定位
plants and animals. 本段第四句訊息後續提及冰河消退時, 那些分離之
動植物再度接觸時, 某些源自相同母種之物種再也無法繁殖出一致性物種
(no longer reproductively compatible), 因而進化發展出不同之物種.

(A) were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared
--- 即使冰河消失後該動植物會繁衍生出不同之物種.

重點單字提醒--- compatible (相符的; 一致的) = consistent = concordant
= concurrent = congruous = corresponding = correspondent

Tags: 英檢

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Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-01-12T22:38
爬過文後發現很多下載點都掛了atat 請問有人能分享最新的嗎 謝謝 - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-01-12T22:24
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:APCU-8587 2. 考場名稱:高雄資策會 3. 考場交通:十分方便,離捷運市議會站走路約2~5min,騎車就是停巷弄。 4. 隔音效果:個人無法判斷,考場極度安靜,是可以聽到其他考生的耳機聲音。 5. 硬體設備:佳,設備不錯,鍵 ...

四戰102 送佛心得

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-01-12T20:47
《TOEFL-IBT應考日期及成績》 一、二戰成績:2014/8月中跟9月底 Total: 85 三戰:2014/11/8 R:26 L:29 S:19(複查19→22) W:22 Total: 96→99 四戰:2014/11/29 R:28 L:26 S:22 W:26 Total: ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2015-01-12T01:33
各位大大好! 想請問一下嘉義有沒有比較好的補習班呢?目前去了先捷及英美,但先捷已經沒開托福課了!而英美則是ㄧ個禮拜教ㄧ科,有點會覺得效率不佳(因為本人有點怠惰)!還是有其他推薦的補習班(有親身體驗的歡迎分享) 有人也在嘉義也在準備托福的嗎?想要找3-4人ㄧ起練口說,意者歡迎站內信。 - ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2015-01-11T23:33
賀!! J2TOEFL 2015第一、二場考試持續命中真題! 延續12月百分百命中率! 歷年完整真題命中情況: http://j2toefl.blogspot.tw/p/j2toefl.html 同學一定要看兩岸都在看、最準的J2機經! 1/10回憶+其餘命中情況(歡迎版友幫補!) 閱讀 ...