戴爾美語 Greg老師托福寫作範文分享 - 英檢

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-10-01T17:47

Table of Contents

<< 經典題>>
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is necessary for teachers to take courses every five years to update
their knowledge.

<< 參考答案>>
Just as books nourish the mind, so do courses enrich one's knowledge.
Whether it is essential or not for teachers to take courses periodically
has recently been a topic of debate on the campus. Some people think it is
beneficial to both teachers and their students, while others consider it a
complete waste of time. Personally, I agree to the extra efforts on the
teacher's side for improved course quality, self-enhancement and
cross-curricular cooperation.

To begin with, teachers can enrich course quality by taking courses.
As the world around us is changing at every instant, so is the knowledge in
all subject fields growing and developing at a high speed. Attending courses
will enable teachers to keep their knowledge updated and modify their courses
accordingly. Therefore, students can receive the latest information as a
result of teachers' efforts.

Aside from improved course quality, taking courses provides teachers with
an opportunity for self-improvement. A common complaint often heard among
teachers is that they are always teaching things they have already known,
limiting the growth of their knowledge base. If given the chance to take
courses, they can absorb new knowledge and broaden their horizons. For
example, Karen, one of my college teachers, once told us that she really
cherished every chance to take courses because she could keep learning and
feel energized. After taking courses, she always joyfully shared with us what
she had learned and how grateful she felt for the opportunity to learn new

Finally, attending courses enables teachers to explore possibilities for
cross-curricular cooperation. All too often, course content of one subject
field can be related to that of another in many aspects. For instance,
language change and development is a significant concern for both English and
history. In this case, teachers of the two fields can work together and share
their knowledge in designing courses. Thus, they can not only largely reduce
their course preparation time, but also enrich the content of their courses.

To sum up, so far-reaching are the influences of improved course quality,
self-enhancement and cross-curricular cooperation that I consider it a must
for teachers to take courses now and then. Such efforts will benefit both
teachers and their students.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2015-10-02T22:24
...been a debate "on campus."
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-10-04T08:00
Collocation而言, improvement優於improved
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2015-10-09T02:43
第一論點應用"Improvement on course content"

SK2 Show 口說分享

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-10-01T15:19
Hi,大家午安,我是SK2 TOEFL 的Show,自今年五月起和David 一起擔任 SK2 口說顧問, 特來托福板和大家請安^_^ 先來個簡單的自我介紹,我本身自學了不少語言,包含英文、泰文、波蘭文 以及西班牙文,有不少有趣的學習心得。本身擅長英文口說,瞭解各種語言 ...

Re: [請益]請問托福99該不該複查?

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-10-01T13:36
謝謝大家的意見,已經直接報第二次了,如果再不好就複查andgt;andlt;希望這次能成功~~ - ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-10-01T12:03
我目前大一 未來有機會希望能到國外讀書 但家裡經濟狀況目前不允許 在高中時已經上完多益但還沒有報考過 因為自己本生是重考生 許多科目已經抵掉學分 英文也抵掉現在完全沒有任何英文課 想說現在學校課業壓力比較不大 希望能補托福 但我知道托福所教的比較偏學術性 如果沒出國讀書其實沒什麼幫助 (目前仍有出國讀書 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2015-10-01T01:23
大家好 不好意思想請問大家我這樣究竟該不該複查呢? 一戰 讀26 聽26 說22 寫25 總分99 目前想要複查的是口說的部分 我是拿FFF-22 然後第一題有點卡沒說完 但23456都講的滿順的 因為是第一次考 所以沒有參考標準 懇請各位版友給點意見~ 謝謝~ - ...

急~考試轉讓 不太了解

George avatar
By George
at 2015-09-30T23:54
各位大大好 小弟我有問題想要問 因為礙於目前課業真的是太重啦 實在沒有多餘心力準備托福 開學到現在堅持兩個禮拜的每天托福練習 加上工院大二爆炸的報告和主科 真的累壞了 每天搞到凌晨 還有家教和社幹和排球隊 (當初真的排太多我承認) 第三週去看醫生, 自律神經嚴重失調 我太想要把所有事情都搞到 ...