戴爾美語 Greg老師托福寫作範文分享 - 英檢

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-08-19T14:23

Table of Contents

<< 精典題>>
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way to relax is to spend time alone.

<< 論點解析>>
<< alone >>
freedom / no need to worry about others' concern
high efficiency / no need to coordinate with others
peace of mind
problem solving
take a trip / take exercise / dine out at a nice restaurant

<< not alone >>
problem solving
take a trip / take exercise / dine out at a nice restaurant
social animals / creatures
share feelings
exchange ideas

relax 的同義表達法:
unwind escape from my hectic life
unbend snatch a moment of leisure (偷得浮生半日閒)
relieve pressure / stress
take a rest / break

<< 參考答案>>
Without a doubt, people in modern society suffer great pressure
caused by the fast-paced life and are thus urgent to loosen their pent-up
stress by means of relaxing. Spending time alone can achieve that goal, but
in my viewpoint, the most ideal way to feel at ease is to spend time with
family and friends.
To start with, chatting with family members renders one relaxed. For
example, I myself am fond of talking to my parents. After dinner, we usually
lie comfortably on the sofa watching comedies. Besides laughing out loud,
we share with one another something interesting which has happened during
the day. Also, if any one of us has difficulties in study or work, we will
exchange our ideas, trying to offer our help. That makes me feel relieved
since there is always someone supporting me. Hence, the time spent with my
family is pleasant as well as relaxing.
In addition, when it comes to wiping out the unpleasant feelings of the
hectic life, friends must be mentioned. I deeply believe that playing sports
with friends is the most efficient formula for relaxation. After a hard-working
day, I take a fancy to playing basketball with my friends. I enjoy sweating
, shouting, and laughing with them. Without any pressure, we play with abandon.
Accordingly, the time spent with friends helps me not only become less tense
but regain the lost happiness of childhood.
Furthermore, humans are social creatures. Life will not be complete
without companionship. Take for instance my high school classmate Oscar,
who tended to be solitary then. During breaks he always walked alone,
listening to music with headphones, never uttering a word. He seemed indulged
in his world of happiness. However, he was just confined to his own world,
and we classmates secretly dubbed him "loner." Not until graduation did he
realize how lonely he was. Nevertheless, it is just too late. As a
consequence, it was being alone that led him to be lonesome.
As has been noted above, I hold a negative attitude toward the statement.
It may be true that spending time alone can assist one in sitting back and
secure more privacy. Yet companionship of others is what I value most and
the best method to make one relax.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-08-23T01:42
"Spending time alone can achieve that goal."這句話語意
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-08-25T18:56
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2015-08-30T06:11
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-09-01T07:50
同理開頭第一句&thus urgent...以人為主詞也造成語意錯誤

字神 JJ包分享-150822考試適用

James avatar
By James
at 2015-08-19T10:43
各位同學好,康老師JJ包-150822出爐囉! 這半年開始,ETS 持續擴大口說小範圍,所以同學一定要提早開始準備。 而寫作仍保持很不錯的命中率,所以也要持續把老師親寫的範文,好好讀哦! 《更新最快、命中率最準》JJ包下載:https://goo.gl/le61wA 字神機經連續命中回數持續增加中! 更 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-08-19T09:21
8/20-8/26登峰美語托福口說首堂【免費體驗】 如果你: ◆滿手真題,卻沒辦法通透托福高分真諦 ◆前仆後繼,卻老是與門檻分數失之交臂 那麼,請再給自己一堂課的機會,你會找到托福高分的真諦,也會找回面對托福考試的勇氣 ! 【課程資訊】 免費課程:托福口說(VOD正課首堂一堂) 期間限定:8/20至8/ ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-08-18T18:52
我現在閱讀遇到最大的問題是單字題的部分 想請問大家有沒有甚麼樣的解題步驟嗎?(針對不會的單字) 因為大多看到都是直接秒殺 可是應該是我單字量不足所以才會有這樣的狀況 有聽說過如果不會就先做完and#34;同一段and#34;的其他題然後再回來答 但是也常常遇到後面的題目跟剛剛的字完全沒重疊 或是根本那段就沒 ...

08/22 字神 <托福口說> 免費試聽課程!

George avatar
By George
at 2015-08-18T11:47
課程大綱 ● 老師以中文思路逐步帶領同學進入中英雙母語境界 ● 口說六大題高分獨創模版,克服緊張、詞窮的困擾 ● 增強即席演說與臨場(Improvisation)技巧;逾三百題真題及機經演練, 建立堅強基礎與實力 ● 除了增進聽力與發音,同時強調造句能力以達到高分目的 ● 上課開口機會多,每週另有口說回 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2015-08-17T22:25
之前補過托福補習班了 考了三次還是沒考好 現在正在工作,容易怠惰且口說跟寫作沒人糾正 不曉得J2及送佛 有沒有那種一兩個月的課程 每周去2~3次 課程結束後 可以隨時去練口說跟批改寫作 希望有人上過可以跟我分享 感謝! - ...