戴口罩眼鏡起霧怎麼辦?英國醫生一招輕鬆 - 眼鏡

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2020-02-18T14:32

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By Shelly Yang, The China Post

2020年2月18日 上午3:54


Wearing glasses is already quite cumbersome, and if things couldn’t get any
worse, your glasses may start to fog up and make seeing more challenging when
wearing a face mask.

英國貝德福德醫院(Bedford Hospital)醫師Sheraz Shafi Malik和英國之心(HEFT)醫
師Shahbaz Shafi Malik在《英國皇家外科醫學院年報》(Ann R Coll Surg Engl.)刊登

In an article published on “Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of
England,” however, two doctors, Sheraz Shafi Malik and Shahbaz Shafi Malik,
from Bedford Hospital and HEFT respectively, unveiled that soapy water could
solve the problem of glasses fogging up.


Before wearing your face mask, wash your spectacles with soapy water and
shake off the excess water. Then, let the glasses air dry or wipe them with
soft tissues. Your glasses shouldn’t be fogging up anymore, according to the


Why? The doctors said that a face mask directs much of the exhaled air
upwards where it gets into contact with the lenses. Condensation occurs on
glass lenses when water vapor — from your breath — gets into contact with
on a cold surface, forming a film you see as fog.


According to the article, soapy water reduces the surface tension so water
would spread out evenly. As a result, your eyeglasses shouldn’t be fogging
up when wearing a face mask.

<姓氏公平的方法>有2種: 一種是像臉書祖克伯夫妻的〈小孩雙姓〉; 一種是〈一家二姓〉
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/optical/M.1582007533.A.74D.html
※ 編輯: sony577 ( 臺灣), 02/18/2020 14:32:43
jim543000: 肥皂是鹼性 不要鍍膜了嗎? 02/18 19:53
inon: 用肥皂洗眼鏡,鍍膜會壞掉。過來人哭哭 02/20 09:54
hokkaidosky: 號稱中性的肥皂可以嗎? 02/20 20:22
Oeagrus: 沒聽過PH值7的肥皂啊 02/22 00:20
lemonchou: 有蒸氣,代表口罩沒戴正確啊!肥皂又傷鍍鏌,亂教一通 03/03 10:08

Tags: 眼鏡

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2020-02-21T17:19
肥皂是鹼性 不要鍍膜了嗎?
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2020-02-22T15:36
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2020-02-22T21:16
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-02-24T06:45
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2020-02-27T21:04


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2020-02-17T17:42
想請問大家去過或是知道哪一家眼鏡行,有賣ODBO與Whisper的眼鏡框,不是只有賣一、兩 支,希望是種類比較多,而且是現場可以試戴(不用調貨)的哪一種?最好能有店名以及地 址,地點是在桃園市中壢區或平鎮區附近,謝謝。 - ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2020-02-17T16:56
問一副太陽眼鏡的價格與品牌 不小心弄丟了 對方開價6000 想說有人知道嗎 感謝 https://i.imgur.com/LT6G1ia.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Xx4kmBM.jpg - ...

owndays 500元折價券

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2020-02-14T21:10
如標題,使用期限至明年二月,台北市面交或其它,請站內信討論 https://i.imgur.com/WQYTrSd.jpg - ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2020-02-14T09:50
已爬文:文青、成熟 爬文大多數比較成熟搭配的鏡框多是圓款細金屬框 所以撞框感很強烈 希望找個既有質感但又能看出別出心裁的鏡框 因為是幫我岳父找的 想說可以先讓他看過一些圖片 喜歡再帶他去配 不知道有沒有推薦的框款式 先謝過大家了 - ...

近期在Costco 好市多配鏡片的經驗?

George avatar
By George
at 2020-02-13T21:30
想請教一下, 有沒有版友近期一年有在好市多配過鏡片的經驗?看到的分享幾乎都是三四年前,我想知道的部分是驗光的部分啦!那邊有專業的驗光師嗎?還是就是兩台機器驗一下度數跟眼壓??聽說1.67的鏡片很划算,我的度數很深可能需要orz 謝謝各位 - ...