我的作文 - 英檢

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-08-13T00:28

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something
which will destroy the friendship.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Regarding of supporting or disagreeing with the statement, I think that

both of them have their own proponents. In my opinion, I think that letting a

friend make a mistake is better.

First, everyone is an unique individual. I do not need to be as though

I were a teacher, and always trying to make an influence on others. I have

made lots of comments on my best friend's behavior because I think he should

pay more attention to the lectures. However, he is a person who prefers to

study by himself, and he cannot listen to the lecture concentratedly.

Second, everyone has the rights to try by themselves. When I was in the

junior high school, one of my friends had problems on math. Being a good

friend of him, person who often got the best grades on math in class, I

considered myself to be the most suitable person to teach her. After teaching

her how to solve the problems for a month, I found that my methods were wrong.

I didn't leave some time for her to think and try to solve the problems by

herself, so she just memorized the solutions written. It's obvious that my

friend didn't get enough chance to try.

Third, my suggestions is not always correct. I ususlly got first prize on

the exams in high school, so I was proud and consider myself the smartest

person in class. "Stupid people should obey to my opinions," I once thought

so. One of my friends was the class leader. He sometimes consults me with the

leading policy, but some of them were not good or even made him blamed by the

teacher. After a while, my friend didn't trust me as before. I should let him

make his own decisions because I am not a perfect person as well.

Treating friends as an individual is important. Everyone has their right

to make up their own decisions, and he must be responsible for them. From

the reasons above, I think that letting a friend make a mistake is better than

saying or doing something which will destroy the friendship.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-08-14T09:02
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-08-15T15:03
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-08-17T02:31
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-08-20T19:58


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-08-12T23:49
想請問一下各位 在嘉義如果想補托福的話 有什麼比較建議的補習班嗎? 目前查到大概好像比較有名的就只有 美加 (ELTS) 和 先捷(美加 嘉義分校) 而自己的英文並沒有很好 去美加詢問的時候 有去做了一下的他們的測驗 他們是建議我可以上一下類似修先課程什麼的 上了三四個月後 再上托福的課程 ...

TPO 10 - 17

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-08-12T21:54
網路看到的,應該也是其他板大分享的! 直接整理在這囉! 大部分都需要註冊後,回復之後才會見到夾帶檔! TPO 16 andamp; 17 http://bbs.gter.net/bbs/thread-1132311-1-1.html TPO 14 andamp; 15 http://bbs.gte ...

請問哈佛 彭湘平

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-08-12T21:28
請問版上有人參加哈佛彭湘平老師的考古題團嗎?? 就是她會不定時整理機經給她的學生 聽說她在八月十號左右有寄一份 但小弟我沒收到,所以想問有哪位好心的版友可以轉寄給我 可以的話請站內信連絡 謝謝 - ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-08-12T18:39
請問有人有TPO10以上的檔案嗎? 或是載點? 如果有可以寄給我嗎 ? 萬分感謝 另外 為什麼我下載的TPO沒有口說壓 是本來就沒有嗎? - ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-08-12T16:39
如題~請問有人有TPO1~13(或任何TPO)的 文字PASSAGE部份嗎? 音檔的部份不用了,只需要文字的部份! 謝謝大大提供!! - ...