想請益黃金閱讀5.3第51篇- Types of Social Groups - 英檢

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-01-23T01:44

Table of Contents






Paragraph 5:Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society.
First, primary groups are critical to the socialization process.
Within them, infants and children are introduced to the ways of their society.
Such groups are the breeding grounds in which we acquire the norms and
values that equip us for social life. Sociologists view primary groups as
bridges between individuals and the larger society because they transmit,
mediate, and interpret a society's cultural patterns and provide the sense
of oneness so critical for social solidarity.

9. This passage is developed primarily by
○ drawing comparisons between theory and practice
○ presenting two opposing theories
○ defining important concepts and providing examples of them
○ discussing causes and their effects

提供的答案是C,但是我看不出來哪裡有provide examples


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-01-24T10:45
把主要團體當作一座橋?? 我覺得是這個..有點像是譬喻法
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-01-25T07:35


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-01-23T00:48
打算考托福的我 已經選中來欣與登峰兩家補習班 但是我實在不知道該怎麼選擇 看到版上大家都很推登峰 可是不知道為什麼我對來欣就是有一種莫名的迷戀 也沒有補過...... 去了好多次來欣詢問 那邊的主任也很熱心的幫我介紹 但是登峰就沒有人理我.... 實在不知道到底是怎樣 可是板上的人又這麼推 ...

傷咖聚會在高雄1/23(六)PM1:00 地點:御書房

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-01-22T23:18
各位在南部的傷咖朋友們 大家好 申請轉眼間又過了一個deadline,不知大家現在準備的怎樣了呢? 還在為了Essay想破頭?還在深受AT跟IBT的荼毒?選校不知道要選哪一間 ? 如果你已經申請告一段落,很想跟大家分享你的經驗 如果你已經考完AT&IBT,想幫助那些還處在水深火熱的人(聽說TOEFL ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-01-22T20:41
我想請教一下大家 還剩一個多禮拜考試,越來越緊張了 聽力不知道要做新的練習,還是把以前舊的聽過的練習再拿來聽 不知道哪一個好呢?? 閱讀也是,不斷做新練習還是舊的再寫一次? 希望大家可以幫忙指點一下 謝謝!!!! - ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-01-22T19:36
明天要考試了 因為壓力很大導致不想去碰任何相關的東西 越練習感覺會亂了陣腳 明天在中壢考 考完就可以回台北了!! 希望大家都高分飛過!! 100 UP!! ps 希望明天不要下雨! - ...

barron's 沒有CD

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-01-22T17:15
大家好 我學姊之前給了我一本 Barronand#39;s Toefl ibt 2007 12th edition 但是沒有CD-ROM也沒有CD 這樣就不能模擬考試了 請問我應該再買一本嗎?(看板上說中英文版的內容一樣,中文版比較划算) 還是有什麼辦法可以取得CDROM嗎? - ...