想要找英文家教的請進 - 自學

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2019-02-12T20:10

Table of Contents


Do you want to improve your English? Would you like to study with a foreign
native English speaker with over 15 years of experience teaching? I guarantee
that I can help you with your English.

I specialize in business and academic English.

I am from the United States. I have three degrees from three different

- MBA from National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaoshiung
- Master of Science in International Business from Nottingham Trent
University in the UK
- Bachelor of Science in Philosophy from Portland State University from the US

Subjects I can help you with:

- Beginner English
- Academic and business English
- Critical thinking
- Test preparation (TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge etc.)

A little about myself:

- Lived in Taiwan for 6 years
- Own part of an online business based in Taipei
- Love learning, self-improvement and business

We can make the class benefit you. I design each class with your needs.
Whatever you want, we can do it. Please contact me by e-mail, or LINE. If you
want to have class with your friend as well we can discuss that. Also, I have
taught via SKYPE for over a year, we can have class wherever you are.

E-mail: [email protected]
LINE: damstraight4

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-02-14T23:19


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-02-12T20:04
你想要加強你的英文嗎? 想要和一個擁有五年以上教學經驗的道地的美國人學習嗎? 不管你是初學者或者高階程度想要再加強英文的人! 讓我們一起學習英文吧! Do you want to improve your English? Would you like to study with a foreign nat ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-02-12T17:57
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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2019-02-12T11:42
→國際暢銷廣告背後有哪些行銷策略心法? →如何以行銷改變行為,讓消費者買到想剁手? →每天燒腦想方案,如何掌握人心,推出精準有效的策略? →有點擊、按讚、分享,卻仍沒有訂單,是什麼因素讓人不買單? 行銷人天天都在思考如何推出讓商品暢銷的策略,試圖以行銷引導消費者關注,進而產生購 買。你是否好奇國際知名行銷廣 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2019-02-11T18:59
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-02-11T18:50
1.想要探究自己在生涯上的「疲憊」模樣嗎? 2.想要找回自己在生涯中曾經的「熱情」嗎? 3.想要扭轉自己在生涯下的「卡卡」局面嗎? 如果這是您的需要,歡迎您來體驗, 在療癒、紓壓的同時也揀回屬於自己的價值與意義。 時間:3/3 10:00-17:00 地點:毛蟲藝術心理諮商所(台北市大安區信義路三段202 ...