想問幾個英文小問題~ - 學習

By Dinah
at 2009-05-17T00:01
at 2009-05-17T00:01
Table of Contents
1. Jeff acts like he has money to burn, but actually he's broke.
請問上句中的like 是連接詞嗎?
2. A child was heard crying somewhere.....
hear 的被動語態之後,不是要用不定詞嗎?為什麼上面的cry要加ing呢?
3. The flishlight was barely sufficient enabling him to read the mark.
上句中的enable 為什麼是用enabling呢?
4.We believe the plans they have made are those of a better future for
all of us. 可以幫我解析一下上句的文法嗎?
1. Jeff acts like he has money to burn, but actually he's broke.
請問上句中的like 是連接詞嗎?
2. A child was heard crying somewhere.....
hear 的被動語態之後,不是要用不定詞嗎?為什麼上面的cry要加ing呢?
3. The flishlight was barely sufficient enabling him to read the mark.
上句中的enable 為什麼是用enabling呢?
4.We believe the plans they have made are those of a better future for
all of us. 可以幫我解析一下上句的文法嗎?
All Comments

By Mary
at 2009-05-18T07:43
at 2009-05-18T07:43
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