情場高手速成班追求異性催眠法 - 台北大安區

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-03-06T18:17

Table of Contents


Seduction mindtricks

什麼是隱藏式催眠? 讓陌生人對你產生好感的竅門在裡? 異性追求術在歐美已形成一種次文化, 有些人像宗教一般沈迷, 不少宅男宅女為了打開社交大門, 不惜花三、五千美元只為跟慕名已久的大師上一堂課, 如果你想知道情場高手靠的是那門子的秘笈功夫, 歡迎你今晚來跟羅教授學習, 有伴沒伴帥不帥美不美都沒關係, 趕快報名。

Casanova, Don Juan, Valentino . . . Lilith, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great . . . all the great lovers knew just what to do to guide another person into powerful states of affection, attraction, ecstasy, and beyond. What did these skilled seducers know that most of us don't? Step into a fun-filled evening of playful seduction with a humorous twist. Learn a few of the tricks of the seductionist trade while having a hilarious evening of hypnotic fun. This performance is unlike any other as audience members
learn about genuine techniques used by so-called speed seducers and members of the pickup artists secret underground while having a laugh-filled good time. Men and women will learn something about themselves and about the world of seduction while experiencing a truly unique evening's entertainment. Bring your friends as the more the merrier and the wilder the fun.

Risque Hypnosis Show (Adults Only)
Free Hypnosis Audio CD and Psychic "Love" Pendulum

March 20 Sat. 10:00pm (Chinese-English)
3月21日 週六

Ticket票價:NT.300 (1 drink included/附餐飲)
Limited Seating 座位有限,及早訂位喔!
No Smoking
Tel: 02-23693730
Address: B1, No.24, Taishun St., Da-an District, Taipei (Near Shida area)
Waiter: [email protected]


All Comments


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-03-05T23:15
大家安安 剛搭BUS經過 發現它外面加了個帳棚 是and#34;CIRCUS SPINand#34; 請問有什麼活動嗎?時間?開放外校人士嗎?需購票嗎? 還請分享呢^___________^ TKS -- http://mybid.ruten.com.tw/user/hellokelly93/ ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-03-05T21:28
※ [本文轉錄自 Zhongshan 看板] 作者: beryl16 (阿芸) 看板: Zhongshan 標題: [情報]台北市第二屆金省能獎開跑,最高獎金20萬! 時間: Thu Mar 5 21:19:57 2009 為鼓勵臺北市工商產業、交通運輸業、社區及綠建築積極推動節約能源,減緩溫室效應, ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-03-05T00:07
餓死抬頭 找回的希望渺茫不過還是po po看看運氣 2009/3/4 下午四五點左右靠近操場排球場的球框練投, 那時候把手錶脫下放在球架腳附近,後來到中間框看同學打球忘記拿, 回去實驗室晚上11點多想起回去找想當然爾已經不在了 一隻seiko的金屬三眼錶 外觀和鏡面都是刮痕 如果有好心人撿到的話麻煩寄站 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-03-04T22:24
我想請問靠近捷運大安站OR科技大樓站的剪髮店 有什麼好選擇嗎? 麻煩推薦時告知店名跟設計師還有大概的價錢^^ 謝謝^______________^ -- http://mybid.ruten.com.tw/user/hellokelly93/ 露天拍賣(新低價拍賣網) http://www.wr ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-03-04T15:29
我剛搬到台大新生南路側門附近不久 請問附近哪裡可買些生活小用具? 目前我想要買小水桶 (豆花桶大小) 小電鍋內鍋 可以建議一下嗎? 謝謝! - ...