情場高手速成班追求異性催眠法 - 台北大安區
By Oliver
at 2009-03-06T18:17
at 2009-03-06T18:17
Table of Contents
Seduction mindtricks
什麼是隱藏式催眠? 讓陌生人對你產生好感的竅門在裡? 異性追求術在歐美已形成一種次文化, 有些人像宗教一般沈迷, 不少宅男宅女為了打開社交大門, 不惜花三、五千美元只為跟慕名已久的大師上一堂課, 如果你想知道情場高手靠的是那門子的秘笈功夫, 歡迎你今晚來跟羅教授學習, 有伴沒伴帥不帥美不美都沒關係, 趕快報名。
Casanova, Don Juan, Valentino . . . Lilith, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great . . . all the great lovers knew just what to do to guide another person into powerful states of affection, attraction, ecstasy, and beyond. What did these skilled seducers know that most of us don't? Step into a fun-filled evening of playful seduction with a humorous twist. Learn a few of the tricks of the seductionist trade while having a hilarious evening of hypnotic fun. This performance is unlike any other as audience members
learn about genuine techniques used by so-called speed seducers and members of the pickup artists secret underground while having a laugh-filled good time. Men and women will learn something about themselves and about the world of seduction while experiencing a truly unique evening's entertainment. Bring your friends as the more the merrier and the wilder the fun.
Risque Hypnosis Show (Adults Only)
Free Hypnosis Audio CD and Psychic "Love" Pendulum
March 20 Sat. 10:00pm (Chinese-English)
3月21日 週六
Ticket票價:NT.300 (1 drink included/附餐飲)
Limited Seating 座位有限,及早訂位喔!
No Smoking
Tel: 02-23693730
Address: B1, No.24, Taishun St., Da-an District, Taipei (Near Shida area)
Waiter: [email protected]
Seduction mindtricks
什麼是隱藏式催眠? 讓陌生人對你產生好感的竅門在裡? 異性追求術在歐美已形成一種次文化, 有些人像宗教一般沈迷, 不少宅男宅女為了打開社交大門, 不惜花三、五千美元只為跟慕名已久的大師上一堂課, 如果你想知道情場高手靠的是那門子的秘笈功夫, 歡迎你今晚來跟羅教授學習, 有伴沒伴帥不帥美不美都沒關係, 趕快報名。
Casanova, Don Juan, Valentino . . . Lilith, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great . . . all the great lovers knew just what to do to guide another person into powerful states of affection, attraction, ecstasy, and beyond. What did these skilled seducers know that most of us don't? Step into a fun-filled evening of playful seduction with a humorous twist. Learn a few of the tricks of the seductionist trade while having a hilarious evening of hypnotic fun. This performance is unlike any other as audience members
learn about genuine techniques used by so-called speed seducers and members of the pickup artists secret underground while having a laugh-filled good time. Men and women will learn something about themselves and about the world of seduction while experiencing a truly unique evening's entertainment. Bring your friends as the more the merrier and the wilder the fun.
Risque Hypnosis Show (Adults Only)
Free Hypnosis Audio CD and Psychic "Love" Pendulum
March 20 Sat. 10:00pm (Chinese-English)
3月21日 週六
Ticket票價:NT.300 (1 drink included/附餐飲)
Limited Seating 座位有限,及早訂位喔!
No Smoking
Tel: 02-23693730
Address: B1, No.24, Taishun St., Da-an District, Taipei (Near Shida area)
Waiter: [email protected]
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