幾個關於if的問題 - 自學

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2006-12-22T19:00

Table of Contents

※ 引述《uranuswind (水瓶之風)》之銘言:
: 小弟昨天在做題目
: 裡面有一些關於if的用法
: 還有一些時態的用法,我也有點搞混了
: 看板上的大大能不能為小弟解答
: 選出選項的時候能否跟小弟說為什麼
: 感謝
: If the yield ________ up from 9.8percent ,it would have been the highest
: average yield since 1992
: (A)would go (B) has gone (C)will go (D) had gone

(D)had gone

: Their monetary unit _______ stronger if they did something about
: their deficit.
: (A) will be (B) would be (C) can be (D) should be

(B) would be

: If the wage parity agreement ________approved,there might have
: been a strike.
: (A)was not (B)is not (C) had not been (D)will not be

(C) had not been

: The boss will offer him a promotion if he________
: to be more tactful
: (A) will learn (B) had learned (C)should learn (D) were learning

(A) will learn

: This purchase ____________ a poor decsion if it had been made for
: investment purpose only
: (A) would have been (B) would be (C) may be (D) was

(A) would have been

: 以下是幾個動詞時態的問題,煩請各位大大幫忙
: When the shipment_________,he will dispatch it
: to the proper department.
: (A) will come in (B) is coming in(C) comes in (D) is going to in

(C) comes in

: The survey indicates profits are up;business________
: (A) is being good (B) were good (C)good (D) has been good

(D) has been good

: By this time next year,merchandising ________greatly improved
: (A) has been (B) is going to be(C) is (D) is being

(B) is going to be

: 如果有新的問題,小弟會在po上來

Tags: 自學

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2006-12-22T13:10
小弟昨天在做題目 裡面有一些關於if的用法 還有一些時態的用法,我也有點搞混了 看板上的大大能不能為小弟解答 選出選項的時候能否跟小弟說為什麼 感謝 If the yield ________ up from 9.8percent ,it would have been the highest avera ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-12-22T11:08
※ 引述《wei7306 (維維)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《marns (Marns)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《tafang1020 (大芳)》之銘言: : : 加我一個 : : tafangtingathotmail.com : : thanks~ : 也請加我ㄧ個 謝謝 : flymarnsatpchom ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-12-21T19:57
※ 引述《OIOIY (TSUNAMIA)》之銘言: : 有爬一下文 可是已經被稿的錯亂了 : 3、The Official TOEIC Test Preparation Guide (with audio) : 4、Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2006-12-21T18:53
如題 我想知道多益改制的時間確定了沒 thx - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2006-12-21T18:50
有爬一下文 可是已經被稿的錯亂了 3、The Official TOEIC Test Preparation Guide (with audio) 4、Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test Advanced Course 3/e 5、Complete ...