幾個 Longman 的題目 - 自學

By Frederic
at 2007-04-19T01:21
at 2007-04-19T01:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《preferalie ( )》之銘言:
: 想請問 Longman (Advanced Course) 裡的幾個問題!
: P.224
: 139.If we _____ her foresight, our growth would have been more difficult.
: (A) has
: (B) did not have
: (C) had
: (D) had not had
: 正解:D,我選B,請指點一下><
If I had been rich, I would have helped you.
: 還有P.226的挑錯
: 153. Because tax rates were lower, net earnings, which are an indicator of
:  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄
: A B C
: a company's financial strength, was higher.
:  ̄ ̄
: D
: 正解:D
: 但我覺得很怪,which指的如果是前面的 tax rates,
應該是指net earnings
: 那B選項不就應該是 indicators 嗎?
: 麻煩解惑了~感謝! :)
原本為 net earnings are an indicator of a company's financial strength
: 想請問 Longman (Advanced Course) 裡的幾個問題!
: P.224
: 139.If we _____ her foresight, our growth would have been more difficult.
: (A) has
: (B) did not have
: (C) had
: (D) had not had
: 正解:D,我選B,請指點一下><
If I had been rich, I would have helped you.
: 還有P.226的挑錯
: 153. Because tax rates were lower, net earnings, which are an indicator of
:  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄
: A B C
: a company's financial strength, was higher.
:  ̄ ̄
: D
: 正解:D
: 但我覺得很怪,which指的如果是前面的 tax rates,
應該是指net earnings
: 那B選項不就應該是 indicators 嗎?
: 麻煩解惑了~感謝! :)
原本為 net earnings are an indicator of a company's financial strength
All Comments

By Rosalind
at 2007-04-22T14:41
at 2007-04-22T14:41
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