幫幫忙唷!把這邊短文翻英文! - 過年

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-02-12T00:00

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Tags: 過年

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Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-02-12T14:27
Have celebrated the New Year to, everybody should enclose the stove to take members a meal together, grandfather , grandmother , uncle , aunt .....Come back we house League members ¨Ë! Everybody and happy and happy and harmonious one enclose and have a meal in front of the dining table, very happy, good happiness. Have a meal, it is my most happy thing, because can get the covert payment . There is less covert payment taken this year, probably only more than 7,000. It is quite boring to celebrate the New Year this year ¨ÉSay , from the third day to the eighth day , stay at home, there is no thing to do, ultra and disagreeable. On short three weeks winter vacation, originally want to say that can have a good rest, it is false to put one, go out to play. But not all right without expecting the homework to really arrive more ! I think , it has been written with the homework that stay at home on whole winter vacation! Remember that has a headache!
I hope I can help you!!good luck!
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-02-14T03:08
所有格:our house 與we house
時態:Had a meal與Have a meal
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2006-02-12T23:11
Celebrate New Year's Eve, everyone wants to surround the stove to together have family reunion dinner, grandpa, grandmother, uncle, aunt.....All came back our house member the ㄋ !Everyone happy and harmoniously rounded to before dining table have a meal, very happy, good happiness.Had a meal, is my most happy matter, because can get the red envelope.The red envelope that take this year is less, probably only having 7,000 have another just.Celebrate New Year's Eve this year, also pretty what stuff the ㄉ to say, from beginning three go to the beginning eight, all has been staying at home, have no thing to do, super dislike.Very short three winter vacations of weeks, originally meaning to say can like the rest, putting a false, go out to play.But unexpectedly the homework is to much go to and don't go!I think ah, the winter vacation was whole to all want to stay at home to write the homework!Think of and then have a headache!


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-02-11T00:00
我半個月前休學了..原本是讀高職美髮科夜間部的..可是後來因為工作和學業兩邊顧所以就先休學了..可是誰知道兩個禮拜前我竟然有衝動想辭�� ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-02-11T00:00
拜託 謝謝


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-02-11T00:00
耶。。過年了 ’領了好多紅包唷 ^^
寒假快要結束了。。。� ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-02-11T00:00
我弟弟過年外出被一輛酒醉駕車撞到(對方車頭全毀 我家車子前左側毀壞 也沒辦法修理了)過幾天他打電話來問我弟弟是否安好..因我弟弟他身 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-02-11T00:00
春聯的來由與意 ...