已接受king's但收到別間可能有獎學金? - 留學

By Eartha
at 2011-04-20T17:16
at 2011-04-20T17:16
Table of Contents
Thanks for you quick response. I think you have a reasonable chance but
it is not me that makes this decision. I am not on the panel. I certainly
cannot say that the chances are high though. I guess you could accept the
Warwick offer and then change your mind?? There is nothing to stop you
carrying on with your chosen university if you don't get the scholarship?
So - perhaps you've got nothing to lose?
Let me know
※ 引述《milkac (..)》之銘言:
: 我是申請英語教學相關
: 老早已經接受king's college的offer了
: 宿舍申請也遞出了
: 但今天突然收到一封warwick寄來的信如下:
: Dear Ms XXX
: Would you like me to put you forward for a possible scholarship at Warwick.
: These are very difficult to get – we only get three in the whole university.
: On the other hand, you have a good application and I think you may as well
: take a chance. However, you would first need to ‘accept’ the offer.
: Let me know if this is of interest and you would like to accept the offer and
: try for a scholarship.
: All the best
: Steve XXX
: 看完擾亂一池春水...
: 我想請問這樣我拿獎學金的機會大嗎? 有人成功拿獎學金唸碩士的嗎?
: 會不會他跟每個還沒接受offer的人都說有possible scholarship藉以增加學生?
: King's跟Warwick的英語教學有人可以比較一下嗎?
: 還有萬一萬一我想改變心意去warwick的話還可以嗎?(已經接受別家的offer了..)
: 請大家不吝指教 > <
Thanks for you quick response. I think you have a reasonable chance but
it is not me that makes this decision. I am not on the panel. I certainly
cannot say that the chances are high though. I guess you could accept the
Warwick offer and then change your mind?? There is nothing to stop you
carrying on with your chosen university if you don't get the scholarship?
So - perhaps you've got nothing to lose?
Let me know
※ 引述《milkac (..)》之銘言:
: 我是申請英語教學相關
: 老早已經接受king's college的offer了
: 宿舍申請也遞出了
: 但今天突然收到一封warwick寄來的信如下:
: Dear Ms XXX
: Would you like me to put you forward for a possible scholarship at Warwick.
: These are very difficult to get – we only get three in the whole university.
: On the other hand, you have a good application and I think you may as well
: take a chance. However, you would first need to ‘accept’ the offer.
: Let me know if this is of interest and you would like to accept the offer and
: try for a scholarship.
: All the best
: Steve XXX
: 看完擾亂一池春水...
: 我想請問這樣我拿獎學金的機會大嗎? 有人成功拿獎學金唸碩士的嗎?
: 會不會他跟每個還沒接受offer的人都說有possible scholarship藉以增加學生?
: King's跟Warwick的英語教學有人可以比較一下嗎?
: 還有萬一萬一我想改變心意去warwick的話還可以嗎?(已經接受別家的offer了..)
: 請大家不吝指教 > <
All Comments

By Harry
at 2011-04-22T00:48
at 2011-04-22T00:48

By Mia
at 2011-04-24T22:25
at 2011-04-24T22:25

By Elizabeth
at 2011-04-29T20:46
at 2011-04-29T20:46

By Ophelia
at 2011-05-03T23:29
at 2011-05-03T23:29

By Ivy
at 2011-05-07T21:40
at 2011-05-07T21:40

By Jake
at 2011-05-08T15:07
at 2011-05-08T15:07

By Carolina Franco
at 2011-05-12T12:56
at 2011-05-12T12:56

By William
at 2011-05-17T01:20
at 2011-05-17T01:20

By Olive
at 2011-05-17T12:49
at 2011-05-17T12:49
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