寫作難題審題想點 by J2 - 英檢

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-03-02T01:38

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以「定義」方式審題想點 by J2


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment— doing
things they like to do rather than doing things they should do.


1. 首先可以先想現在的人們「喜歡做的事」跟「應該做的事」有哪些。


2. 接下來,只要把現代人喜歡做的事,跟應該做的事,想辦法「扯上關

像Instagram, Twitter, 所以就可以說是不會花太多時間在個人娛樂上的,


I disagree that people today spend too much time on personal
enjoyment. They are actually doing things they have to do for the
following reasons.
First, people today spend a lot of time on cellphones but by doing
so, they do things they have to do and sometimes they do it even
more effectively. For example, when people using social media such
as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, they can easily get the most
up to date news around the world such as the black lives matter
movement in the US or the protests in Myanmar. That’s exactly
what people today should do—pay attention to what’s happening in
the world today. What’s more, people today can easily contribute
to these global events by using social media because they can
spread information quickly. They can see people on Facebook or
Twitter are signing petitions to free Aung San Suu Kyi from
military custody. They can sign the petition as well and help.


Second, people should make their own living and today there a lot
of opportunities to make money to live on your own. For example,
in the past, when people tried to get a job, they needed to go to
a company to work for 8 hours a day so they could pay the rents
and so on. However, today there are a lot of things you can do by
yourself, such as being a Youtuber or an influencer on any other
platform. You can just play video games and make it live and many
people earn money this way. Or some people make money by making
videos about traveling, food, or just simply their daily lives and
put them on Youtube and earn money by the counts of the views.
There are just too many ways people nowadays can earn money, and
earning money but not counting on parents is the thing people
today should do.



Tags: 英檢

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