寫作28分享 - 英檢

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-05-28T00:56

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就我在送佛學習,Austin 老師的論點分析真的上的很好。題目分成Technology,
Education, Government and Career. 每個大主題都教大家怎麼想論點,然後發展成主題句
。這堂課很值得上。另外,Karen 老師寫作課提到,作文內容的發展就是例子盡

TPO 20 獨立寫作練習
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what
they already know how to do well.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

關鍵字: successful people =>trying new things and taking risks > old skills
立場: Agree
理由一: successful people always stay curious about things=> never be satisfied
of what they got => keep moving forward
理由二: successful people are always courageous to step out of the comfort zone
=> more opportunities

Although….., I believe…. .
The reason is that…1..In addition, ...2...
Hence, I agree/disagree with the statement that…

Although repetition in practice makes one’s skill perfect and outstanding, I
believe that taking risks to open a new door in a field always outweighs
practicing the old skills. The reason is that being curious to new things
always brings innovation, which leads to success. In addition, staying
courageous to step out of the comfort zone always open to new opportunities and
that contributes to achievement as well. Hence, I agree with the statement that
successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what
they already know how to do well.
如果實在沒時間,我就直接copy down

Body 段落,就是要解釋理由。所以我通常會直述理由,再用一句加以解釋理由。第三句就
我的內容,而非三段。我想這大概就是我拿28的原因! 感謝Karen 老師

First,being curious to new things always brings innovation, which leads to
success. This means one should always stays hungry to try new things.
Take Steve Jobs for an example. we
know he made the first Macintosh computer and Mac OS when he was in his
twenties. Yet, he wasn’t satisfied what he had got. He started to set up
another animation company, Pixnet, and the movies made by this company also
became very popular. After these successful companies, he went back to
Macintosh and led his team to produce the “i-series” products, a series of
killer application of touch panels, MP3, and even laptops. The “i-series”
gained the huge success and have been popular worldwide till today. Steve Jobs
is a best example to illustrate how a successful person does. If he followed
the footsteps of most of the Harvard students, he definitely would graduate
from the prestigious school. However, he probably would not start his own
business and Apple would still remain as a dream.

Second, being courageous to step in a new field always stimulate new thoughts
and ideas, which brings more opportunities to himself. For example,the founder
of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, was a trader of futures in Chicago.
After he earned enough money, he quitted his job andstarted to set up the non-pr
ofit website “Wikipedia”. The website now is the
largest online encyclopedia and has most users coming from more than 100
countries. The website is also translated in over 50 languages. It is indeed
beneficial for many people and creates the online interaction among different
people in different countries. Now we can look up almost everything in our
daily life through Wikipedia. If he didn’t decide to set up this website and
take this risks, maybe we will have such a good internet resource.

In conclusion, based on the above reasons, I believe that without being
curious, one would stop chasing his dream, so he would not be successful. Also,
without having courage, one would stay in his comfort zone, then he would not
open his door to his success. Therefore, I agree with the statement that
successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what
they already know how to do well.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

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Olivia avatar
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Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-05-27T18:04
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Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-05-26T22:58
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