字神四月托福口說機經高分範例與音頻分享 - 英檢

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-04-07T17:14

Table of Contents

● 2016年4月托福口說Part1真題預測題:

2015年1月7日考出:Talk about an activity you recently joined at school and
explain why it was meaningful. Please include reasons and details in your

● 高原老師高分範例 Sample Answer

A while ago I went to a fundraising event organized by some students on
campus for uneducated children in remote areas. It was very meaningful
because it was the first time in my life that I realized how fortunate I had
been and felt grateful for what I had. For example, those students have spent
every summer vacation in the mountains teaching children different subjects
while I have always been traveling overseas for my own pleasure during those
summer breaks. Besides, those children in remote areas lack daily necessities
for school such as pencils and erasers, which are things I’ve always taken
for granted. I have completely changed the outlook on my life after this
event and hope one day I can play a role in making our society a better place.

● 高原老師示範音頻下載:http://bit.ly/1MgBsyp



Tags: 英檢

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請問一定要帶護照嗎? & 小站教育網站

Una avatar
By Una
at 2016-04-07T11:13
大家好~ 不好意思~ 有爬文也看了精華區... 但找不到答案... 請問考試當天一定要帶護照嗎? 因為報名考試的時候, 他有選擇 要用護照 還是 National ID 我已經選了 National ID... 如果是這樣的話~ 當天還要帶護照過去嗎? orz ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-04-07T01:16
大家好,我是為了出國交換的英文門檻而考托福的,也很慶幸自己的努力有拿到不錯的 成績~ 以下是我的備戰心得喔 :) 托福成績:一戰 TOEFL 106 (Reading 29, Listening 27, Speaking 26, Writing 24) 我準備托福的時間並不多,真正認真準備的時間只有兩個 ...

J2TOEFL 4/9機經預測+小範圍下載

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-04-06T22:19
J2TOEFL 2016 4/9機經預測! *聽說讀寫一樣都有小範圍,更新部分置頂,同學優先看喔! *更新只有小範圍+J1等級兩部分,更容易閱讀! *新增J2獨家補充聽力圖片,幫助理解! 最新!獨家!3/13, 3/11連續命中聽力真題! 2/27命中兩題聽力T27 聽力3 Lecture 1 p.62 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-04-06T16:57
美加TOEFL-iBT專題課程- 模仿造句,完全征服托福寫作 真人實況教學★3小時免費現場聽課 即刻預約:http://goo.gl/jpVu33 善用仿造法,練就寫作迅速「想點」能力、衍生自我特色文章! 美加張凱宏教授,熟悉全盤托福考試,親研最新托福寫作考情, 教你運用獨家仿造法,在最短時間內訓練你的英文 ...

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-04-06T15:43
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