字神03/16 托福口說高頻英文機經分享 - 英檢

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-03-14T20:04

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3/16 托福口說高頻英文機經分享



第一個是absorb moisture from food,講了一個什麼hobe 的猴子(記不得名字了,螢幕
上會出現),它們吃的嫩葉子(tender leaves)裡面包含了水分,就可以補充足夠的水

第二個是喝雨水,一個called spider 猴子的,它們用cup like plant 來link 在樹上,
當有水的時候就利用那個cup like plant作容器接水喝。


Today we’re going to talk about how monkeys get their access to water
resources. A lot of monkeys live in the canopy of a forest. The canopy is the
top part of the trees and in many places fresh water is only available
underground. Monkeys in those places are still able to survive by using two
methods to secure water.

First, they are able to absorb moisture from food. For example, in the Amazon
and the Andes 40% of howler monkeys’ diet is composed of green leaves. In
particular, they prefer young tender leaves which are rich in moisture and
give howler monkeys sufficient water supply. Therefore howler monkeys are
able to survive without having to drink water from rivers or lakes.

Another way for monkeys to obtain water is by drinking rainwater. In Brazil
and Central America , spider monkeys use a cup-like plant to collect
rainwater in the forest. They link these cup-like plants to trees and when
the cups are filled with rainwater, they drink directly from these cups.

In conclusion, monkeys do need water to survive and they have their own
unique ways of getting water.

Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain the two methods that
monkeys use to obtain water.

Sample Answer
Many monkeys live in the top parts of forest trees and have no access to
underground water but they are still able to survive. This is because they
secure water supply from either food or rain. In the lecture, the first
example shows how howler monkeys get water from their food. The majority of
their diet is composed of tender leaves and they are able to absorb
sufficient moisture from those leaves. The second example is how spider
monkeys collect rainwater. Spider monkeys are able to use a cup-like plant as
a container and link these cups to the trees in the forest. As the cups are
filled with rainwater they drink directly from the cups. These examples tell
us that monkeys have their own way of getting water and do not need to live
close to water sources in order to survive.



主講人: 威廉老師

講座日期: 03/24(日)
講座時間: 14:00~15:15
講座地點: 字神帝國英語學院 ﹝台北市重慶南路一段66-1號4樓﹞

線上報名: http://ppt.cc/A9oS
現場報名: 字神帝國﹝北市南陽街21-3號﹞





Tags: 英檢

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Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-03-14T18:03
現在我的程度是...聽力蠻差的 但是閱讀比較有把握,大學時期背了不少單字, 現在的問題是 第一次聽一段文章時,大概只能搞懂最多6成,有時不熟悉的領域,會大概3~4成 但是只要看稿念..我大概就了解8~9成的程度 請問我除了每天聽網友提供的TPO文章之外,還有什麼可以更有效率的練習呢 - ...

J2TOEFL 小馬機經口說3456題答案整理分享

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-03-14T16:51
各位同學好, 以下是針對 3/16及3/24 小馬機經所編寫口說3~6題參考答案, 參考答案由兩位TOEFL_iBT實戰120及118顧問編寫而成, 絕非坊間流傳助教寫的程度參差不齊的英文, 歡迎加入Facebook社團 J2TOEFL下載比較: http://www. ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
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Leila avatar
By Leila
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Dorothy avatar
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