多益改錯~ - 自學

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-03-08T21:28

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※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]

作者: namieanita (anita) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: 多益改錯~
時間: Thu Mar 8 21:24:47 2007


請問幾題多益 改錯 謝謝

1 The figure compares with a effective tax rate last year of 36 percent which

resulted from write-offs.
C-------- D----------

答案是B = =

2 Steven Spielberg, one of the most successful Hollywood movie director,shows
A---- B--------------C-----

his creativity in the diversity of his films.

答案是B = =

3 If the service is not prompt, the customers would have gone to another shop.
A------- B------ C-------------- D------

答案是B = =

4 There is a rumor that teachers are discussing the establishment of an union.
A----- B---- C-------------- D--------


5 The dicks which contained the information you require was accidently
A--------------- B------ C--- D----------


答案是A 我不會關代= =

請問各位 謝謝了

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-03-13T16:29
1. a改成an
2. one of +複數名詞 ->directors
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-03-15T23:19
5. which去掉,不然就加上were
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-03-17T01:33
5.改錯了XD which直接去掉就好
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2007-03-19T11:48
4. 應該是人才能有成就,用法不對
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-03-21T12:06
3.應該是被動的prompted 4.a union可以查查看字典的用法
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-03-25T01:54
我也有疑問...我怎麼覺得第5題應該是C was-->were?
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-03-25T20:45
5containing吧 accidentally拼錯?
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-03-28T05:13
第三題是C would have gone要換成will go
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2007-03-28T17:56
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-04-02T01:16
第四題是D沒錯 因為是of "a" union不是of "an" union
William avatar
By William
at 2007-04-04T03:09
第三題應該是C => will have gone
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-04-05T08:08
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-04-05T21:14
我想說他原本是would have gone完成式
只錯在would 所以把would改掉 變成will ~ 個人淺見
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-04-05T22:38
更正 ~ 是 will go才對 zhenpeng是對的~if所引導的副詞子
句 應該用簡單代替未來式 而主要子句是未來式
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-04-10T10:05
最多是改成would go而已...其實have gone文法也是OK的


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-03-08T21:19
目前大四外文系 老實說 英文並不好 或許聽力還可以 但文法爛到可以 只會一些基本的 像是時態那些的 這半年我一直在爬文 到處買文法書 一開始我買了 and#34;專門為中國人寫的英文文法and#34; 老實說一開始我覺得很棒 但是越看到後面 越交代不清楚 之後就不了了之 接下來我問系上的主任 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-03-08T15:15
http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/1150782671 就是這套教材 我上禮拜購買 發現自己做題目錯好多歐 真不知道分數怎麼算的~ 真實的多益考試 難度跟這套地球村比 是如何呢? 謝謝 - ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-03-08T10:22
如果針對高普初考準備 自學會不會很難? 大概要花多少時間呢 ? - ...

Longman Preparation Series for the Toeic Test: Advanced

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-03-07T23:15
在博客來買的 寒假時特價訂的 聽說二月底會調貨 可是現在已經三月了耶 沒有收到博客來的信 同筆資料的其他書 都已經付清了 該不會不寄了吧( ′-`)y-~ 大家收到了嗎??? -- 記憶如煙火, 曾經美麗, 但已消失。 - ...

Re: 請問想考日檢二級要看哪一本教科書呢

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-03-07T22:35
建議可以再去買一本漢字的書來補強 中國人看漢字很簡單 但訓讀字音卻很煩 單字部分又是必拿分數 所以還是多讀 另外如果還要考一級 一定要讀大新的表現句型500 光靠一級的出題傾向對策絕對不夠 ※ 引述《miyake702 (miyake702)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《superlovers (我 ...