喜歡全英文暢所欲言(LINE) - 桃園

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-06-19T14:50

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※ [本文轉錄自 StudyGroup 看板 #1R80g5hx ]

作者: she192224 (努力學英文) 看板: StudyGroup
標題: [同好] [全國] 喜歡聊天的全英文友善LINE群組
時間: Wed Jun 13 02:01:30 2018

Hi there :)

We're passionate about using English
and are recruiting more self-starters who will ACTIVELY engage in discussions
by inputting messages in the group chat EVERY DAY.

1. Who is suitable? ( must meet the following 2 requirements)
A. Proficiency level is at or above CEFR B2.

B. People who will make time to write messages or share something EVERY DAY.
Failure to comply will result in disqualification for membership
WITHOUT prior notice.

2. Your everyday obligations include:
Say or share anything (see note 2) you want in order to start a conversation
with fellow partners.

3. How to join the group?
After reading the whole post carefully,
please send the original poster a PTT mail(see note 1) to elaborate on :
A. self introduction
B. goals of spoken English improving
C. inquiries and expectations about the group
D. LINE ID (Please enable "Allow others to add by ID".)

1. There will be NO reply to your PTT mail if unnecessary.
2. Reading history messages is NOT necessary.
2. Please feel free to share a quote, vocabulary, phrase, idiom,
video clip, picture, article, all kinds of information and pretty much
whatever you'd like to share/say will be okay.
a. Making English mistakes is okay.
b. Don't worry that nobody is gonna be interested in your sharing.
c. If what others shared/said don't interest you, start your own conversation
at anytime then.
3. Please introduce yourself to everyone in the group chat and save the
message to Notes.
4. Each partner is entitled to have 3 days of leave at most per week.
(Please let us know in advance by stating your reason at the Notes section
or send the original poster a message.)


Be kind to one another. Ellen Degeneres

Tags: 桃園

All Comments

桃園南崁 禾米便當社 (阿三便當)

David avatar
By David
at 2018-06-19T11:32
圖文好讀版 http://skyan1107.pixnet.net/blog/post/225355076 相關資訊 禾米便當社 (阿三便當) 電話:(03)212-7979 地址:桃園市蘆竹區南崁路二段230號 營業時間:周二~周五10:30以前提供少量便當,12:00-13:00 (提供電話預訂的便當 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-06-19T07:31
營業到今天晚上八點 然後之後搬去南平路 沒早餐沒車道 聽說經國租金嚇死人 - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-06-19T00:45
https://goo.gl/2cmScC 清新玫瑰趴 即將來襲 卡司陣容 絕對不會讓你失望 日期:07月21日(六) 時間:新秀小舞台下午2點起/ 清新玫瑰舞台下午5點半起 地點:桃園藝文廣場 現場還可以逛逛 三手微市集 #音樂體驗活動 #闖關集章趣活動 另外還特別邀請到 MUMU music Sc ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-06-18T23:02
近期有房屋買賣等需求, 不知道八德區介壽路周邊是否有推薦的代書事務所且收費合理的,謝謝。 - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-06-18T22:00
大家好,請問桃園市立游泳池,中平路附近推薦的照相館,主要要拍大頭照(護照,拍小 朋友),有爬文中山路上住商旁邊那家看街景好像沒了,中平路康是美對面那家品質好嗎 ?還是國際路的柯尼卡還ok嗎?還有沒有其他還可以的店家呢?謝謝 - ...