問兩句中翻英關於喝喜酒英文..拜託很急跪求....>''< - 生活

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-10-14T00:00

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Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-10-18T21:18
By doing this can prevent those uninvited to come to the marriage celebration party.
We will send the invitation card to our guests before the celebration party. People will prepare and use a red pocket to carry the lucky money for the newlywed (新婚的人).
I have noticed that some people who were not invited came to the party and grabbed some beers away when they were exposed; however, this sort of incident didn't happen so much.
搞定 ^^ 不懂再問
(By the way, 請樓上"所謂"的大師別誤人子弟了.善哉 善哉)
2012-10-15 02:47:43 補充:
打太快, 手誤, 更正:
In Taiwan, people will send the invitation card to our guests before the celebration party.
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-10-14T06:32
Must be a personality thing...
Another rendition for Kaxi's reference:
This way, there will be no concern about those who invited themselves to the wedding banquet.
2012-10-15 20:23:51 補充:
Invitations are used in Taiwan, and red packets as well - you can buy them yourself. That is why I have seen some strangers coming to the banquet; and when exposed by the groom, they even grabbed a beer while running away. Not often do you see that though!
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-10-14T06:52
1. so do not be afraid of uninvited people come to drink wedding2. Taiwan will also have invitations, but Taiwan with a red bag gift, gift bags can be bought, so I've seen don't know go to drink at a wedding feast, until discovered by groom, grab a bottle of beer ran out, but this is very little.1. so do not be afraid of uninvited people come to drink wedding2. Taiwan will also have invitations, but Taiwan with a red bag gift, gift bags can be bought, so I've seen don't know go to drink at a wedding feast, until discovered by groom, grab a bottle of beer ran out, but this is very little.
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-10-16T02:02
1.這樣就不用怕不請自來的人跑來喝喜酒Do this so that there will be no uninvitedguest for your wedding banquet.
2.台灣也會有邀請函,但台灣用紅包袋包禮金,紅包袋可以自己買,所以我曾經看到有不認識的人跑來喝喜酒,等到被新郎發現,還抓一瓶啤酒趕快跑掉,不過這種事情很少。We, in Taiwan, also send wedding invitations. However, Taiwanese typically uses self-purchasedred envelop for monetary gift. It also is common, in the banquets, to see someuninvited guests who, when being caught, plunder an extra beer or two whilerunning away.Note:因為以下的文字沒有因果的關係我把它去除了!!!但台灣…,所以我…
2012-10-15 03:01:33 補充:
(By the way, 請樓上"所謂"的大師別誤人子弟了.善哉 善哉)
Wow! What an aggressive attack.
1. I am not old enough to be a teacher to 誤人子弟
2. be a man, let me know what I did wrong before the attack!
2012-10-15 03:01:44 補充:
(By the way, 請樓上"所謂"的大師別誤人子弟了.善哉 善哉)
Wow! What an aggressive attack.
1. I am not old enough to be a teacher to 誤人子弟
2. be a man, let me know what I did wrong before the attack!


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By Zenobia
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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-10-14T00:00
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