各位大大 (很緊急!!!) 這裡有幾句英文需要翻譯 拜託幫幫我吧!! (不用一定要照中文翻文法文意到位就好 也可換個�� - 生活

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-02-08T03:22

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Tags: 生活

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-02-13T02:46
This temple is some 200 years old after continuous reconstruction and expansion, and developed into what itis now.
A New Year, people come to pray for fortune and line up for lucky money.
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-02-12T20:10
1. This temple has about 200 years of history, through constant rebuild and enlarged into today's appearance 2. In the New Year, people will line up for a red envelope, and pray for safe and sound.


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-02-08T02:56
昨晚我睡得很好 11點入睡一覺到天亮七點,但起床刷牙時竟然發現右眼球眼白部分有出血現想,可卻不痛不癢也毫無不舒服感覺是什麼原因?怎會這樣?我趕� ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-02-06T02:36
我昰今年要考統測的高職生大學想往動畫遊戲這邊的科系就讀可是不知道要選擇哪間學校會比較好我住高雄我知道 ...