台英生命科學研討會 9月1-2日 牛津 - 留學

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-04-23T14:19

Table of Contents

台英生命科學研討會 Taiwan-UK Conference on Life Sciences
Oxford Glycobiology Institute, University of Oxford on 1-2 September 2012


By bringing together distinguished researchers with different areas of
expertise in life sciences in Taiwan and the UK, this conference offers an
excellent opportunity to explore the latest advances in life sciences and
provides a platform for Taiwanese and British life scientists to meet,
exchange ideas and establish research collaboration.

This conference, which is the first such event organised by the Taiwanese
Life Science Association in the UK (TLSA-UK), will take place at the Oxford
Glycobiology Institute, University of Oxford, UK, on 1-2 September 2012.

Prof. Chi-Huey Wong, the President of Academia Sinica, will kick off the
conference by his plenary session. The special closing session in 'Taiwan-UK
Conference on Life Sciences 2012' will be lectured by a 2002 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine laureate, Prof. Sydney Brenner.


The topics that will be covered by this conference include:

Biotech Industry
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Advanced Technical Approaches
Clinical and Molecular Medicine


This conference will include:
Keynote lectures by distinguished researchers from Taiwan and the UK
Guest speakers from Germany and the US
Oral presentations and poster sessions by postdoctoral researchers, visiting
researchers and doctoral students in Taiwan and the UK
Panel session for sharing experience



Important Dates

The important dates for this conference:

Deadline for early online registration: 1 June 2012
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 June 2012
Notification of acceptance: 18 June 2012
Deadline for online registration: 1 July 2012
Conference: 1-2 September 2012

Keynote Speakers

Nine distinguished researchers have been confirmed as the keynote speakers
at this conference (in surname order):

Prof. Bor-Luen Chiang 江伯倫
Professor, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan

Prof. George Fleet
Professor, Oxford Glycobiology Institute, University of Oxford

Prof. Chester Ho 何小台
Board member, Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Taiwan

Dr. Wei-Pang Huang 黃偉邦
Associate Professor, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University

Prof. Hsinyu Lee 李心予
Professor, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University

Dr. Ming-Der Lin 林明德
Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics,
Tzu Chi University

Prof. Chu-Fang (Grace) Lo 羅竹芳
Dean, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University

Dr. Chia-Ning Shen 沈家寧
Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Prof. Chi-Huey Wong 翁啟惠
President, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Guest Speakers

Two guest speakers have also been invited to this conference (in surname

Dr. Yun Chen 陳昀
IRTA Fellow, National Institutes of Health, USA

Dr. Chien-Wen Hung 洪千雯
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel,

Organising Committee

The organising committee consists of the following members working/studying
at the University of Oxford (in surname order):

Chao-Hui (Christine) Chang 張兆惠
Tao-Hsin Chang 張道欣
Vincent Cheng 鄭鴻源
Shih-Jung Fan 范世榮
Elizabeth Huang 黃琦芳
Duen-Wei Hsu 許惇偉
Fu-Lien (Viola) Hsieh 謝馥蓮
Yuan (Oliver) Liu 劉元正
Kuan-Jung Wu 吳冠蓉
Cheng-Tao Yang 楊政道
Wei-Yuan (John) Yu 于位元

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-04-26T19:09
中研院院長要來耶~ 還有江醫師,台大動物系幾個做
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-04-27T11:43
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-04-28T04:15


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2012-04-23T12:28
想詢問 今年9月英國入學 5月買機票需辦isic 但9/1前辦isic只能用到 2012/12月 去英國之後 大家是否建議2013年還需要再辦一張isic嗎? (是否有必要?) 或是可以直接用英國學生證享有isic的優惠? ex.買英國當地火車、住宿 (這個用英國學生證應該就可以?) ex.去歐洲旅遊時買歐 ...

有人是還未受到uncon去讀pre sessional?

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-04-23T12:03
我申請了英國的研究所 最近學校來信說 pre sessional course有人退了 問我要不要去補 雖說我teofl成績都還沒達標就叫我去了 (差5分) 我回覆答應了 不過其實master課程那邊我還是conditional offer pre sessional course 6月中就開始了 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-04-23T04:31
大家好 今年7/22 我將參加在Leeds舉辦的會議,想請問大家 1. 怎樣前往比較方便 飛機先到London-andgt;再轉機Manchester-andgt;國鐵到Leeds 還是飛機先到London-andgt;國鐵到Leeds 還有怎樣訂票比較方便又便宜呢? 2. 請問Leeds周 ...

LSE(2012/2013)offer holders 請進

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-04-22T23:26
Dear all, 申請到現在大家應該也都告一段落了! 先恭喜大家拿到 LSEand#39;s offer! 不過,相信也有很多準備事宜希望可以互相討論~ 像是機票/住宿/倫敦遊玩/academic pre-session 等等 所以我們在facebook成立了社團~ 目前有四位成員,其他拿到o ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-04-22T17:29
從3/1申請到現在 一點回音都沒有:( 想請問一下有版友最近收到offer或是reject嗎? 順便報一下我是申請政經所和國際衝突所 謝謝大家了! - ...