台灣電影新秀獎影展暨頒獎(倫敦) - 留學

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-05-08T05:19

Table of Contents

Date: Tuesday, 15th of May, 2012
Time: 5:30pm-9:00pm
Place: (B102) Brunei Gallery, SOAS, 10 Thornhaugh Street, WC1H 0XG,

Tube : Russell Square
Content: Romance, drama, action and comedy - you can find them all in our specially curated New Talent Showcase, with up to 10 short films from filmmakers based in Taiwan and overseas. This year 5 of the 10 films are in competition for Best Short Film 2012 with the winner being announced on May 15th at the screening in London.
Language: Mandarin and with English subtitles
Admission: 3 at the door on official website
Plus: Free Bubble Milk Tea voucher per person and traditional Taiwanese drink and snacks.

More detail : Taiwan Cinefest
Official website:
FB (English):
FB (France):
New talent events: 
Official youtube:

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-05-10T06:45


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-05-07T21:37
大家好:) 今年八月就要先到蘇格蘭(St.Andrews)那邊念一年的書 但我是台南人 超 怕 冷 (而且還一直被嗆:你學校旁邊就是北海喔北海喔~~下課閒閒沒事可以去撈魚) 想問大家(尤其住在蘇格蘭)有關冬天的衣服該怎麼辦? 1)羽絨衣該在英國買還是先在台灣買好再帶過去? 2) ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-05-07T17:32
最近要寄東西回台灣,希望可以比較快的方式只有空運嗎 我看到的價格都在兩百胖左右 有沒有人有寄過更便宜的價格呢? 目前看了seven seas跟中菲行 還有哪間比較推薦的嗎? 聽說海運都會被偷東西 我要寄的東西對我來說很珍貴所以真的很害怕 囧 拜託拜託幫~幫~我~ 謝謝大家 - ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-05-07T14:16
即將要到英國求學的你 是不是有些緊張、有些徬徨? 不知未來將會面臨到怎樣的文化衝擊? 在生活或求學過程上會遇到什麼突發狀況? 針對已規劃至英國留學的各位 劍橋台北語文中心舉辦免費英國留學文化講座! 特別請到在倫敦土生土長的客座講師Mark 親切健談的他將為大家介紹去英國前必須知道的大小事喔!! ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-05-07T08:08
Leeds去年超熱門七月時就被預定滿的Broadcasting Tower 離學校超近,距語言課程上課地點parkinson building只有五分鐘路程,離市區十分鐘。 預計要在7月中搬家,想問問有沒有要念六周或十週的同學有興趣租下這段時間 開始日可以討論,最晚可以住到9/6 房間在一樓(等於台灣 ...

牛津劍橋台灣科技研討會 6月23-24日 劍橋

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-05-06T21:45
(轉貼)第五屆牛津劍橋台灣科技研討會 The 5th Oxbridge Taiwan Science and Technology Symposium 23rd-24th June 2012, University of Cambridge, UK Cambridge Tai ...