台中跨國業餘樂團徵鼓手 - 台中

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2019-10-07T21:24

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Newly formed band looking for a drummer.

We are a three-member amateur local band (over 38 years): Taiwanes singer,
Spanish guitarist and Ecuadorian bassist. Rehearsals begin in November. At
the beginning we want to play english rock and Spanish songs.

English: Smell like teen spirit, Come as you and The man who sold the World,
(Nirvana). The passenger (Iggy Pop), Paint it black (The Rolling Stones), The
house of the rising sun (The Animals), Summer Wine (Bono and The Cors), Hotel
California (Eagles)

Spanish: La bocina (La toquilla), Historia de un amor (Luis Miguel), Las
cintas de mi capa, Reflexiones (Esto es eso), El límite (La frontera), Coraz
ón espinado (Santana y Maná)

If you are passionate about music, you are an amateur drummer, and you like
rock and music in Spanish, welcome to be part of this new band. Pelase
contact us.

LINE: jorgeintaiwan
E mail: [email protected]

Tags: 台中

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-10-12T14:17
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-10-17T07:10


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-10-07T20:53
之前在大大中醫看的林瑞姬醫師 現在好像沒在大大了 有人知道林醫師目前在哪家中醫嗎? 謝謝~~ - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2019-10-07T19:54
https://i.imgur.com/4G2tkgj.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RbPpEal.jpg https://i.imgur.com/OIg7Imz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2Nbguv5.jpg 物品名稱:貓腎罐 贈出 物品說明:2021過期 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-10-07T18:34
※ 引述《kuasao (然而)》之銘言: : 最近服役三年多的iphone6s電量出現漏尿現象 : 常常用沒多久就大噴電 出門都很沒安全感 : 之前曾經換過 但要等三四天 : 目前沒有備用機可使用 所以希望當天送修當天拿到 : 但我看我朋友換過電池後 電量還是噴很快 有換跟沒換一樣 : 想問一下有沒有可以當 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-10-07T17:52
請問台中市區,西區附近,有沒有紙口罩可以購買的地方,我跑了幾家藥局都沒有賣,這 種口罩很薄,通常用一次就會丟掉,像附圖這種。希望有買過或是知道哪裡有賣的朋友提 供資訊,拜託了! https://i.imgur.com/vUocY3g.jpg - ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2019-10-07T17:23
如題 本魯肥宅最近有點想去割 不知道有沒有台中割包皮的權威? 抑或者是比較推薦的割包店 最好在西屯區的 謝謝! - ...