台中英語蛋 迷你機經 mini EGG JJ 睡前版 - 英檢

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2015-06-12T22:58

Table of Contents

明天13號要考試的同學 睡覺前來個最後練習吧

台中英語蛋 THE EGG Daniel老師幫你們整理出考前 mini EGG JJ

寫作預測 mini 15 希望大家明天都有好成績 加油!

1. Do you agree or disagree:Technology designed to make people’s lives
simpler actually makes people’s lives more complicated. 意在使人們生活簡單的科

  2. Do you agree or disagree:Telephones are playing a more effective role
than television in people’s life. 電視比電視在人們的生活中發揮了更加重要的作用

  3. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the
friends that you can get help from? 你喜歡交可以給你帶來快樂的朋友還是可以幫助你

  4. Do you agree or disagree:It is better to wait in patience than take
action? 等待比成功更加重要是否認同?

  5. Which one is better to spend money on traveling vacation or to save
money for future? 賺錢旅行更加可取,還是存錢未雨綢繆更加可取?

  6. Do you agree or disagree:In order to succeed, people should be more
like others than be different with others. 為了成功,人們應該與他人相識不是與眾

  7. Do you agree or disagree:Is there a good reason to be impolite (rude)
to another person? 對於他們沒有禮貌是否有道理?

  8. Do you agree or disagree:Teachers’ performance should be evaluated by
students rather than by other teachers. 老師的表現應該由學生評價不是老師評價是否

  9. Do you agree or disagree:The environmental issue is too complex to be
handled by the individual. 環境問題太複雜了,個人無法解決,是否認同?

  10. Do you agree or disagree:Students can get as much benefits from
participating student organizations or club activities as from their academic
studies. 學生們從校園組織和俱樂部中獲得的利好和在學習中獲得的利好一樣多是否認同?

  11. Do you agree or disagree: The food we eat today is much healthier than
in the past? 今天我們吃的的食物比過去健康?  

12. Do you agree or disagree: The best way to relax and reduce stress is to
spend time alone? 最好的方式方式就是獨處?

  13. Do you agree or disagree: Although new technology and science will
continue to advance and improve people’s life, the most significant
improvement has been made. 最重要的科技發明已經發生?

  14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that
the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict 現在社會對

  15. Do you agree or disagree: Patience is usually not a good strategy. We
should take action now rather than later.耐心不是一件好事,我們應該立刻行動?

台中托福首選 英語蛋托福小班 100分點題班 一對一專業分析個人盲點 

快速突破分數瓶頸 英國劍橋大學+美國哈佛大學教師團隊

成功 不在於你擁有多少錢 而在於你幫助過多少人 - The Egg

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-06-13T03:29
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-06-14T02:58


John avatar
By John
at 2015-06-12T22:54
大家好,我們是送佛計畫(Project Beattoefl) ! 最近,很多同學都在詢問,聽力到底要怎麼準備? 全職考生,一天到底幾篇聽力洽當? 我想,今天就跟大家分享考生在托福聽力的障礙及解決辦法。 首先,大家要先了解自己自身的條件。假設一下,如果我們多益聽力就是350 -400來 大概做個解釋,也就是 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-06-12T15:37
登峰美語托福聽說讀寫正課首堂【免費體驗】 如果你: ◆滿手真題,卻沒辦法通透托福高分真諦 ◆前仆後繼,卻老是與門檻分數失之交臂 那麼,請再給自己聽說讀寫四堂課的機會,你會找到托福高分的真諦,也會找回面對托福考 試的勇氣! 【課程資訊】 7/5 (日午) 閱讀 王靖 14:00-17:00 ...

5/9 二戰 94分 (美加)

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-06-11T16:55
(日期 及 分數) 5/9 94分 (求學背景) 清大材料所 (英文能力) 學測14級分 (考試身分) 全職考生 (考試地點) 美加 (準備時間) 四個月 (準備教材) TPO 及 美加授課教材 (各科分數) Reading:27 Listening:2 ...

J2TOEFL 6/13+14字彙題預測

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-06-11T16:12
同學們好, J2TOEFL 6/13+14 字彙題預測出爐囉! 共一百個單字,考試同學把握時間複習喔! 下週考試同學也可以先預習! 新增不少黃色難字,同學特別注意喔! 歡迎加入FB社團後至檔案區免費下載:https://goo.gl/Yz0fMO 12/13 ...

J2TOEFL 6/13+14機經預測+小範圍下載

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-06-11T16:11
J2TOEFL 2015 6/13+14 機經預測! *聽說讀寫一樣都有小範圍,更新部分置頂,同學優先看喔! *更新只有小範圍+J1等級兩部分,更容易閱讀! *新增J2獨家補充聽力圖片,幫助理解! *2015目前持續命中真題!業界唯一!最新!5/30命中閱讀Live Performance 5/9命中Old ...